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Everything posted by sixappeal

  1. If there is a few I'll tag along but if Steve's going an he's got std's I'm undecided
  2. Plus 1 for cruisen also Kicey wats the verdict? Orange stripe it or accept it as is
  3. Black turbo badges only the special awesome people have those
  4. Fiery Wonder how many repeated words there are now..
  5. Heys, You little hoodlum. That's all you are :P

  6. 2 slow.. I'm just hardly on Ross bully.. Enjoy ya day off champ
  7. KAEL.

    Where the fark have you been, I feel neglected!!

  8. Aaah you werent running you were hiding then lol.
  9. That's terrible, Hope the guy that ran up your rear get's effed over


  11. Ross! That dish geezuz have you put them on yet??
  12. Lol Matt and wats you're count. Btw I finally did a good curb run I blame the tiny odd shaped car park where I wasn't ment to park any ways.. Apart from Alliance rim repairs does any one know of any where else??
  13. Lmao at all above post's Those who say want pics should provide the pics lol
  14. O Ross!! They look sweet. And how many cars do you have lying around lol
  15. Bwahaha. That would have been quite the show
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