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Everything posted by sixappeal

  1. You guessed it Steve... Orr you looked on garage which I'm pretty sure you did lol
  2. Lack of cruise's or maybe you take to many pics of non members you can't remember who's got what
  3. Put me down!! Jamie congrats with the team mod how long ago did this happen??
  4. Yeah.. it was just making my browser page load up poorly with all you're massive snaps haha. Those rims are feebski's to
  5. I saw a lambo today.. Felt a slight tickle in the pants
  6. It's because you're not eating properly, the alcohol has nothing to absorb in you're wobbly belly
  7. I was thinking the same thing D was so nice over the weekend for a quick lap.
  8. Yeaah I have been pretty busy lately.. Every one wants to catch up and party. I could call indeed ill just do that :P wat sh*tty work iv been on break back tues though aaaah.. mwah bro xx

  9. Yo, What's cracka lackin. Where tf are you these days.. to much of a certain some thing I think. :P <3

  10. I recon would be different all back to stock aww. It's all good are u on full time now?? have a good weekend??

  11. Geofro! So you sold all you're bit's.. when are you buying a ute :)

  12. Aaah.. Yeah shhh I had last minute plan's with a few drinks involved.
  13. Spotted Tochi yelling my name across the kwinnana freeway this afternoon. He was passenger of a red 4 banger with a ricey exhaust
  14. D!! Wat a complete asshole, I doubt she will get a cent out of it. She would have to take you to court and even then she will lose. Hope ya boy is ok and call her up and demand a new bike!!
  15. Then it will backfire when he does donate
  16. I vote for chich.. He's def not a wanker
  17. She is out celebrating. But ill second that. Happy B-Day !!
  18. As usual I say I'm in but I'm definately going to be there
  19. Was awesome meeting you and the gf!! pity it was a short one
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