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Everything posted by sixappeal

  1. How embarrassing steve one only working hahaha
  2. Well motorvation was awesome apart from getting scorched watching the burnouts. Mikey did some pretty sweet peels on supercruise. Made me hold on for life at some point was soo fast. Kael got busted twice once for doing a skid before the markers on the drag strip. Then getting told off and gtfo for carving up on the line up before getting on the quarter mile. I loled hard Then to jumping into a van with no roof with noss was a joy ride. I had a awesome super time makes me wish I entered this year - ah maybe next time
  3. Aw I bet she will love Disneyland more then Vegas for sure. Are u leaving the kids with some one while you and Mark hit up the clubs
  4. Yeah it's all walk around really.. I just want to see burnouts not really keen on events boring as hell
  5. I'm going to mv its gunna be better then last years definately
  6. Have a super fantastic trip D I want piccies of vegas!
  7. Pushed it forward another fortnight.. I'm thinking you are full of housesh*t.... Btw are u ready for mv kael? I bumped into a mate at the lights this arvo his ute sounds insane had to turn it off so we could get some words out lol he's all stocked up with tyres to burn all weekend
  8. Bhwahaa.. Thanks for that Steve. Whats more dodgier any one can check it or that you did it already haha
  9. Voted That guy is soo pretty lucky hey.. What happened? Lol steve.
  10. Mikeey, It's not me it's you haha. Be online tonight son xx

  11. Still lurkin on the forums heey, :P

  12. lol tocchi, + thanks for mikey n scott for gettin in late haha
  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! <3

  14. Yeah definitely wouldn't leave it near any traino's I agree
  15. Iv been seen quite a lot lately.. I'm feeling a bit special. And sensory if that is you're work station Ive seen you're ute there heaps just never knew who's it was
  16. Steph as in Me?? I was at the cott so im guessing me haha
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