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Everything posted by sixappeal

  1. You whinge when I put to much bourbon in your coke.. Your as limp as a popped balloon
  2. Aww!! Thank you so much Made my day! Well one day if there is any thing I can do to repay the favour let me know
  3. Yeh pretty much hey, it's only because I have 2 different tyre sizes. cops create hassle for nothing
  4. Well, went for my inspection today ride height is fine even though the man was taking a few extra lifts to get the wheel off the ground haha. Buuut in saying that I need to change back to stocks and it will pass easy peasy any one got some laying around 18' with high profile tyre's?? muchly appreciated will throw in a carton of choice
  5. Wellll its a bit quiet in here :P

  6. You just bought it roofus, now you want to kill it
  7. I thought those posts were a bit familiar. Welcome back hey
  8. Yeah wrong place wrong time, but they were so sly about it checking my ute over in the car park before I even drove off.
  9. Hahah yeah I will have to wait for that..
  10. Low, altered camber.. Effin hassle's change it to stock then changing it back though
  11. Well I got a little present from the law.. A little sticker on my window
  12. Do you want one Trent...?? I have found a few pics from last night
  13. Lol was it ever, she was rank as pretty sure she ruined my night
  14. Lol you got excited a little bit in the seat?? Besides girls are probably the reason your broke. Harden up get ya junk out and wipe your eyes Congrats Ross!!
  15. Yeah we are unsure, could be targeted, there was a front yard full of cars from a party 2 houses from us. Then our house had Benos clubby on the verge and just meters from the jeep. We live in such a quiet area where the only way out is in Lol reppin the skinnies.. Where was my invite lol
  16. Oh that sucks D! I was in a little accident today driving with a guy from work and this thing came across to the other side of the road and hit us. No damage on his car but nice dent in the rear door of my work mates. He carries on that he was there first and yet he hit the back of the car.. some people are stupid
  17. Crazy indeed, the clubby was only meters away to so very lucky feel sorry for the next door neighbour his truck got a bit burnt to
  18. Well the most random sh!t happened, I get woken up by mum saying the horns going off, we go out side and my neighbors jeeps on fire! The poor bloke you could see him across the road wiping his eyes with his hoody. They reckon they heard a car hooning around in our cul de sac and then a window smashed. Little fags thank f*ck it didn't happen to any of our cars
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