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About vetha

  • Birthday 16/10/1989

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    Melb, VIC
  1. Happy Birthday vetha!

  2. Happy Birthday vetha!

  3. Happy Birthday vetha!

  4. Happy Birthday vetha!

  5. Happy Birthday vetha!

  6. anyone know how to open the bonnet from the front end? do I have to remove the front bumper?
  7. So yet another case of a broken bonnet release I damaged the wire as well using pliers for a while so its time to replace the whole cable.... how do I go bout doing this? how should I start? any help would be much appreciated
  8. ey guys wat could this be? not always but for majority of time its as if I dont have power steering turning right but turning left is fine always thanks samson
  9. this whole thing started when my dad was just testing his brakes out cause he just changed them over and then it lead onto "your sons just the same blah blah" honestly from wat I can see I drive the same way as they would in our court and when u reverse into your driveway how can u possibly be driving "fast" anyway thanks everyone for the replies
  10. yea I do have a loud exhaust actually it might be that making them think im driving fast and the note thing ahah that's a brilliant idea!!!!
  11. ahah that's a pissa but anyway on the topic I agree wit most of wat you guys are saying. the main problem is people not integrating when they come here my parents moved to australia about 20 years ago from sri lanka and I was born here and I have to say australia has to be the best country in the world to live in and ive done quite a bit of travelling. as I said the problem is people come here and act if the "ways" here are wrong when they moved to here in the first place you can't move here and then say its wrong here then they should just go back. btw the sri lankans comin on boats thing, bionicxr6t's opening comment is spot on all those people are all the rich bastards of sri lanka they dont deserve to come here my 2 cents aha thanks samson
  12. ahha I really dont know how much slower u can drive if u reverse into your driveway
  13. the F*** off we are full sticker that's just disgraceful how can that be allowed to be put up on cars
  14. most stupid thing ever, our neighbour complained that our family drives too fast in our street when our street is a court how is that possible??
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