Age: Under 30-45 Sex: Male Martial Status: Married (separated) Religion: No specific religion Occupation: Employed If employed what is your occupation? Quantity Surveyor (cost sonsultant for building industry) Please answer ALL questions listed below, by simply giving your honest opinion. When answering please briefly explain why. 1. Should the legal drinking age be raised to 21 years of age? I cannot think of a logical reason for it so no. 2.Do you believe that there should be harsher punishment for underage drinking? No. nothing short of capital punishment will stop kids drinking under age, I would vote for education over punishment. 3.Do you believe that there should be a certain limit of alcohol allowed to be consumed at any one stage? Probably not a bad isea but cannot think of a way that would be fair to all drinkers, or how it would be policed. 4. Do you believe that raising the legal drinking age to 21 will reduce the number of alcohol related deaths? No. I don't believe that the majority of alcohol related deaths are in the 18-21 bracket anyway. 5. Do you believe that there would be less alcohol related violence with stricter enforcement of the law? Only if the violent part crime was dealt with harsher. 6. The consumption of too much alcohol is the main cause of fatal car crashes. Do you believe that if one is caught drink driving, they should face stricter punishment? Possibly imprisonment? If YES what sort of punishment/fines should they face? Yes. I belive in the three strikes and you are out rule. Current system up to now seems adequate and making the fines more and suspensions longer will only increase the occurance of unlicenced driving. maybe jail them for the length of their suspension instead, I dunno. 7. Were you underage when you first consumed alcohol? If so what age? (APPROXIMATELY) 15 8. Do you believe that the government should take further precaution in order to prevent the sale of alcohol to underage youth? How? It is illegal already and further policing of alcohol will force the prices up. 9. Many fights relate to alcohol. Do you believe that if one is highly intoxicated they should be refused purchase of any other alcoholic beverage? I believe they should be refused the service of alcohol and given a bottle of water.