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Everything posted by mic

  1. mic

    Kents 9 Sec Ute

    who the I <3 Bananas are the haters
  2. it can run lean due to the ethanol content. it u get it tuned on it would be safer.
  3. ah yeah I prob should read the thread more thoroughly lol. guess then the surge tank will have less chance of emptying aswell (if u got one).
  4. yeah I know mate that's y I posted after that my bad. I had no idea they ran that much fuel pressure standard. typically its 36psi at idle. normal. but not in these beasts. u wouldnt think standard fuel pumps were too bad holding up to that amount pressure though would ya ? and imo I would not touch the standard reg mate stock is perfect if they are running 4 bar !! u would never need to go higher than that on a street car so if u got an after market one u would still keep it at 4 bar lol would be throwing money away.
  5. I'd do it mate. That's all u need to make it bulletproof everything else is very tough.
  6. silicone spray and lots of it .... na dont do that. check for stones between the disc and inner tray. they will make it squeak like a pig.
  7. Fg mk1 8psi, fg mk2 26psi ....
  8. so what are the specs of the car fully stripped etc ? does it get driven on the street at all. its fairly street car lookin part from the chute.
  9. does it say that on the reg or did u test it ? holy crap that's heaps, but good if true.
  10. get an adjustable fpr and crank the pressure to 50 psi or so. 044 will laugh at it no probs. also as said the pump should be receiving 14v or thereabouts at idle. an extra pump would still be a good idea though I recon. u should see how much fuel jap cars need to make 400kw on e85 its ridiculous.
  11. mic

    375 Rwkw Bf Mk1

    they remind me of an ethiopian weight lifter
  12. mic

    375 Rwkw Bf Mk1

    course it is mate lighter conrods just means better spool lol
  13. mic

    375 Rwkw Bf Mk1

    what planet do u come from
  14. put new brakes pads rotors and fluid on gtr. pulled dash out shortly after and snapped brake light sensor off. no big deal replaced it .... went for a spin and thought wow brakes are awesome !!! then 100m after felt some resistance, and car got a bit hot ... looked in my mirror saw smoke from the wheels and knew straight away what I done. I screwed the adjuster in too far on the sensor when I replaced it so the brakes were on all the time, bout 1/5 of the way pushed in ...... idiot.
  15. just donate to my account mate haha. with the factory pcv u would not believe how much oil gets into the intake mani. and if the mani bolts are loose, could be getting through there. how much oil though - the cars runs sweet yeah ?? see if those bolts are loose.
  16. Bugger jet same as me we may have the same prob. My block is not wet though. Plug condition ?
  17. looks like head gasket to me mate. how bout just throwing some head studs at it, might actually seal it up.
  18. mic

    Back In The Club

    lookin good mate what sort of tyres were they ?
  19. How much for the fg short motor man pm if ya want.
  20. of course not y waste money ? nice result mate perfect.
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