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Everything posted by mic

  1. 17psi at a guess (around 400kw) bf1 owned since new, 78000klms. same turbo still like new. never used a stupid filter !!!
  2. take them off !! when I had mismatched tyres my brakes would not work properly. there was prob a couple cm difference in rolling diameter, yours must be way out its dangerous.
  3. my younger bro benches 150kg and 180kg when he has a spotter. im at 70kg lol. bloody younger brothers.
  4. I think id 1000's are the go and plenty of room 4 more power too.
  5. 250mph and mid 11's haha. jokin jon
  6. the idle speed nut. u cant move it I tried everything to turn that f*cker and no go.
  7. Cheers I disagree too cheers the turbocharger itself creates back pressure and the only reason the stock exhaust clamps down 2 inch is to keep it quiet. Cheers chairs chores ha
  8. Stainless expands and contracts 3 times more than steampipe. That is a direct quote from Kyle at 6boost. And on the contrare its not ok to heat wrap stainless or steampipe because they have welds ! Welds crack so wrong again ! I have a 6boost on my falcon and gtr I fkn know mate ! If any mani can be wrapped its the factory cast ones they have no welds !! Dumbass y don't u give Kyle a call then copy and paste what he says !
  9. Hey staino how wide is your tray mate std 1850 ? Do u drive street with those big wheels out like that and have u had any cop trouble ??
  10. that is an absolute load of crap. why do u think 6boost only make manis from steam pipe ? because stainless expands and contracts 3 times more. op just wrap it bud if u want it will lower temps.
  11. so could just be the gauge reading low ?! that's real awesome of jon to do that. especially still not knowing what the prob is. maybe he will chase spool up 4 cash after.
  12. so were the rods the problem ?
  13. yeah I know was just gonna say though if they were the atomic ones might be the problem. jon is on the case mate it WILL get sorted.
  14. distance from the crankshaft to the slipper bearing. once its all torqued down.
  15. ah ok, side clearance ....... hope im wrong but that cant be fixed spool need to give u new rods. if that's the problem I mean. sorry if I missed but what head studs ? k got it its arp lol
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