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Everything posted by Mitch

  1. Hey Jamie, I missed out on the other clutch so im keen on yours, problem being didn't u get a new one as this one was slipping as well
  2. Thanks for the info, just looked up that ftg on the web, will give them a call on moday. Thanks
  3. Cheers mate, if this other performance one falls through ill be knocking on your door
  4. Update on My problems: Found a place in M'dore that straightens axels for about 100 each axel. Booken in wednesday Some Fella is selling an upgraded clutch for 300 bucks which I look to have bought. So once I find a mechanic to fit it that will also go in. And al of my problems, well car related ones SHOULD be gone.
  5. Mitch


    go to mal woods sponsors section. He does many good clutches as very good prices
  6. I think he just wanted to let everyone know that he was going to be out... Whcih im guessing everyone already knew
  7. OOOOO an oppurunity to show up the bombadores. Lets do this
  8. squeek will be heading out tonight also. See your there.... well you'll hear me atleast
  9. What is this harry's we are speaking of?
  10. I know of a new forum u can join. It's really good ay lots of nice cars and people
  11. Uhoh..... I think theres a line and u may have line not crossd it but like ran way past it HAHAHA I had nuthing to do with that comment shaz Edit it while u can LOL
  12. yeah this is what jamie origianl comment deserved. Sorry if I spelt wrong lol
  13. I was about to get started, and u know what the most random thing happend. Spilled dam orange juice on me shirt and forgot all about it. Looks like your up trentosaurous
  14. This seemed to go rather un-noticed?
  15. small dick, small dick

  16. Looks like there is good interest in a Dinner and Spectating night down brisbane way..... Wonder who could get one of those organised
  17. I could also make a friday night dinner in bris. Sat nights r out though
  18. Awesome, how long ago did u get it? was it that excedy brand or wahtever?
  19. More of a squeek and over rev sound now...
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