Didn't end up going jamie, we sorta wanted a few more cars and a few people couldn't come so decided to organise with a lil more time for next weekend or something
Jamie is at a birthday party in redcliff tonight. We are going to be leaving around 5pm this arvo. Meeting at the caloundra end of steve irwin way around 4.30 opposite the rustic cabin. rapidchris is gonna do a route should be 100kms or so then going to mooloolaba for a coffee and hang out for a while. Pm me your mobile nuber if you would prefer to talk and I'll call you
I called you darling, what more do you want from me. Not sure about the rain, its sunny at my place at the moment, not sure about time probably around 6-7 which gives nough time to see if its gonn rain or not Oh yeah..... thanks
Yeah lets go for a squirt. Head up througn beerwah through the ranges and come back along that bald knob road. End up sitting at Mbar sounds like a plan. I'm a deffinant as long asa the rain stays away
Lucky bastard Jase, snowboarding. Theres been a bit of development of the FG mods so there should be a good selection of upgrades for ya when you return. Stay safe ay
It did but it re-opend. To many people died there so the gov said they had to re-do all the tracks and make em safer or sum sh*t. I havnt been to the new park but I can't image it to b anywhere near as good. in saying that its 1 of on a handful of places in qld u can actually ride a dirtbike these days