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Everything posted by Mitch

  1. Happy Birthday Mitch!

  2. Well that didn't work very well then did it....
  3. I'm going to be calling you Coco-Pops from now on..... Snap, Crackle and Pop....... Chaching chaching
  4. Nah I didn't actually, He was from NSW anywho.
  5. Haha yeh Matt that night was sooooo much fun LOL. Can deffinatly see myself in a nice typhoon sometime in the future
  6. The green ute has been 1st person to view bought it which was good. Has been passed onto good hands which was good to know.
  7. Not a 4x4 Karl, just an impersinator here. Trent......... It actually does needs new pads LOL.
  8. That with those in a colour similar to shockwave on the xrs, On gas and an auto woohooo.
  9. LOLOL nah its not a lancer or anything like that
  10. It is has already been replaced haha, So much easier to Buy things. Im not gonna say until I have a photo to upload with as it would sound terribly homosexual but it actually looks alright. LOL
  11. http://www.carsales.com.au/all-cars/private/details.aspx?R=8896039&keywords=xr6%20turbo&tsrc=allcarhome&__Ntk=CarAll&__Nne=15&__Dx=mode%20matchany&PriceTo=413&__Qpb=true&PriceFrom=395&__D=xr6%20turbo&silo=1011&seot=1&__sid=1292358F516E&__N=1216%201282%204294966463%204294966104%20395%20413%20900&__Ns=pCar_RankSort_Int32%7c1%7c%7cpCar_PriceSort_Decimal%7c1%7c%7cpCar_Make_String%7c0%7c%7cpCar_Model_String%7c0&__Ntx=mode%20matchallpartial&Cr=11&__Ntt=xr6%20turbo&trecs=27
  12. www.carsales.com.au could be your friend. Most cars have pics of the engine bay, maybe there is a shockwave one there?
  13. The Broncos are quiet offensive at the moment. The only bet I'd be taking on them at the moment (as much as I pains me to say it)is for the wooden spoon.
  14. I'm guessing by your DP Trent you lost some sort of good friday bet?
  15. Well I spose you have worked the last year in 45 degree heat to pay a never ending bill for your car, makes sense you would ditch the german for your car. There is probably a never ending supply of women in Port Headland anyway
  16. So u decided to choose a dyno day over the german backpacker who was coming to the coast to see u again?
  17. Why wont u be piloting the hiro mobile karl?
  18. I am deffiantly gonna come along to see some live porn
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