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lil grey bf

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About lil grey bf

  • Birthday 27/07/1974

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  1. Happy Birthday lil grey bf!

  2. Happy Birthday lil grey bf!

  3. Happy Birthday lil grey bf!

  4. Happy Birthday lil grey bf!

  5. Happy Birthday lil grey bf!

  6. lil grey bf


    sorry to hear that guys. I'm in the same situation myself. Been in pre-press printing for the last 15 years and had 7 jobs. I lost my job over a month ago now and I'm thinking the same about changing careers but no idea what to do. Anyway good luck to all involved
  7. Well, I can understand a V8 being called "muscle" but I can't agree to it being the only "muscle". You have to remember the XU1 and the charger were both 6's in that list and as far as Aussie cars go, I'd be confused if they weren't on that list.
  8. I don't think my dad has ever been out of Melbourne........ I think I'd have to leave the country if I'm related to that thing
  9. That was the first time Ive ever seen this guy and I'm scared, really scared. Not because of his obvious mental issues but because I kind of look like him around the eyes
  10. Hello F6R, I recently managed to squeeze some some pioneer TS-D1720C splits in the doors. They have a mounting depth of 64.5mm which I sat on 6mm mdf spacers which brings the depth to 58mm. You may have 2-3 mm behind the factory foam door lining but I wouldn't go any deeper than that. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong but this works fine for me. Good luck
  11. Hey Bjc, I called them and arranged a day to turn up, they pull your icc out while youre there but theres a charge if they do this. Then it took a little over 2 hours for the actual mod (I sat in the waiting room reading the history of ford, pretty interesting stuff). You can rip your icc out yourself yourself and bring it in which I knew about but I preferred they do all this to make sure it works when they put it all back together. Sorry for the delay, I havent been home for the last few days. Good Luck
  12. bjc, I dont know if its the exact same mod, but I will say that the sound now is much much fuller than the sound coming from the speaker out into the amp. I dont know that Id be keen to pull the icc apart, but yeah, if you want to attempt it I'd be keen to see the results, the big bonus (to me, which may not be to others) is that they have also given me a remote out to power up the amp as well as a separate subwoofer out line and they tell me that I can do away with the factory amp etc altogether. Putrid fruit seems to sound like he knows whats going on and they seem to be fairly easy fixes if they work in your case so I'd give them a go first if I were you, (I already tried what he suggested a few days ago). In anycase, goodluck with whatever you try.
  13. Ok guys, I got down to ASL this morning and got them to put the RCA's in. The whine is gone and it sounds much much better. So far so good. I dont know what line level converters sound like but if anyone is considering doing an audio upgrade using the factory HU I'd reccomend getting the same as what I did. Now I just have to learn how to properly tune it to sound right. Hope this steers some people in the right path.
  14. thanks P4N1C, yeah the only thing I havent tried is connecting the power and the ground to a separate batterry but im pretty sure as you say its coming from the factory HU. I understand that a having rca's installed is slightly more expensive but I intend on keeping this car for a while plus having a pre -amped pre crossovered signal going to the amp might also give me a better sounding signal. Not that I know what a line signal converter would do to the signal but atleast if things dont work well with getting rca's then I know theres not much else to be done except return to standard or a seperate HU. I appreciate everyones help so far and Hope others can learn as well
  15. Its all experience bjc. As annoying as this is, Im enjoying finding things out with some honest help of others. Ill keep the details coming as to what I do next. ASL already have an email in their inbox, whether they can do anything is another matter. Either way, as you say, everyones experiences on here are what others can use as a guide for themselves.
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