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Tree Monkey

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About Tree Monkey

  • Birthday 25/05/1975

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    brisvagas / Manly

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  1. Happy Birthday Tree Monkey!

  2. hey typhoon freek u get the messages? who wants a passanger/cameraman?
  3. Hey are they runnimg winter sun and winter nats at the same time.......mmmmm that's smart, one way to spred out the croud. Maby I should have caught a ride with u TF just to piss tab off
  4. I only stoped 3 hrs ago, 2 bottles of jammos later, mmmmmm still a little....... alot pissed, in both ways.
  5. Have fun ya bunch of poofs, Almost took the cruzer down to Godzilla last night to pull the doors down so I could get my baby out for the Cruz, but just cracked another bottle of jammos instead and drowned my sorrows a lot more . I wouldn't be able to go now would still be way over the limit and tab no smart ass comment,coz the only good thing is I dont have to put up with u ............ LOL jusk kidding your all not bad for a bunch of spazers........ welll maby not j@^*
  6. I am out, my car is at my mates and he has gorn away to winter nats. I went there this arvo and his shop was shut up so unless he is back tomorrow or it is rained out it's no go for me.
  7. The problem is that ALL the tuners in my area SUCK, really they all talk it up about how good they are but I don't know of any, that I haven't herd a complaint about. The only one I haven't herd bad things about are Hi torque but they are a little further south . My mate that owns GODZILLA is doing the tuning for free as a r&d thing he is looking at working on the fords and apparently VCM are trying to fix this problem. I was thinking of taking it to ford and seeing if they can put a vin in to the pcm or something.
  8. If I go HELL YEAH. SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS. Man will it get messy........cool.
  9. Trying to get my bitch tuned by my mate at GODZILLA MOTORSPORT with the VCM suite but he is having a little problem cos apparently my PCM(computer) has no vin number in it. It has been flashed via a cappa box and we returned it back to factory tune but still no go.Thoughts????
  10. I have put my name down but it depends weather I can sort out a problem with tuning, vcm says my pcm has no vin number so it cant tune it ....bloody Bryan Burt ford, and yes tab I know it would be ashame if I missed it.
  11. tf I got your sms's and he can do it (well his mate can on his dyno ) but he is away at some dyno comp till wed and then we can go from there. Might go along on this one but dont know if trent can put up with my f*cked sence of humor.
  12. I just called up for the lusty sweet but it has all ready been taken..............I think they said the name trent???????
  13. I am out to but will pop in for a look, runing a lot lean in the 13's and melted the o2 plug (just found it today). Like most who have modded, having troubble finding/ booking in with deacent tuners to get what WE want done.
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