Also just to add a little more info on clutches for you gunna An Organic clutch will most likely have a harder pedal, as more clamping force is needed, but this isn't always true as ratter said but they are easier to drive is much nicer to the rest of your driveline eg.(input shaft, unis, shaft, diff gears and axles) Lasts longer if it is not cooked by slipping it, And it Wears out the disc itself more than the flywheel and pressure plate And if you get a button/ceramic clutch disc It is possible the pedal could be a bit lighter as less clamping force is needed They Can handle more abuse/bad driving as ceramic doesn't lose any friction as it heats up But downside is that it will wear quicker when it does try to be slipped And it wears all three pieces evenly, as in your flywheel and pressure plate wear down at the same rate as the disc, so it can become more costly to replace later on as flywheels can be worn past minimum thickness It's the same as brakes... Harsh pads have good stopping ability, but wear your disc out faster and have better feel Softer pads like OEM, don't wear out the disc and have softer bite and feel, and go crappy once they are cooked It's still going to come down to what you tell the place your getting a clutch from And they will steer you in the right direction