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Everything posted by Wilko16

  1. I have been fined for fog lights in Victoria also Kents!!
  2. Just fill it up when it gets to 1/4 left And enjoy the smile it gives you every time you boot it! Buy a Vespa if you want economy
  3. Well said! Standard height is comfy
  4. Wilko16

    Dyno Tuners

    Unless you goto where it was originally tuned, they will start from scratch $1000 - $1500 is the normal costs My car was on the dyno 6 hours when it was tuned and it came out perfect so it's definitely worth it What state are you in ?
  5. Pretty neat looking car, whole thing plastidip though I couldn't even be bothered looking at the comments
  6. Cop chip enhanced car for sale on Facebook
  7. Your info is pretty vague... But you can remove and block the water lines, plenty of turbos are oil only Where did you buy the new turbo ? What model car ?
  8. Cheap jack still gets it onto stands, then it's all good
  9. Getting a car jack for $10 from repco, just for buying $100 worth of oil Can't have to many jacks
  10. Phillip Island is one of the best tracks for general admin tickets Can walk the whole track and can just about always see 3 different corners Plenty of spots close to track so you can really appreciate how fast they are moving [emoji106]
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