my main reference here was entry fees etc however if you want to get specific; I think you need to carry out more mods to get a car fast on a track than you do to get a car fast on a 1/4 mile Really? I would have thought not. Your car was driven rather 'quickly' at our last track day.... it even went quicker than another more modified car. And as to cost for racing, look at the average track time v's cost for both events. I've been to a Fast Friday where I got 5 runs in total. Yet spent hours on the track at barbs now you're just getting picky More components are put under higher levels of stress on the circuit than the 1/4. Sure all components are still in use on both situations but the track provides the greater wear and tear to a broader range of car components Again, really? Would you not think the take off at the drags would casue a fair amount of stress on the vehicle? Or the burnout. (if you do one, which 95% do) Apart from the heat, your car handled the track as well as the rest, the brakes get warm, but after correct cooling, they returned to normal. I know that I am harder on the car at the drags, trying to launch it and get through the gears etc. Question for you all - Why is it Ford/FPV allow their owners to do 'driver training' days without fear of warranty issues; Yet mention drag racing... and try and make a claim. granted on the point of braking but there are stricter requirements to getting onto a circuit than onto the 1/4 Like what? Both check brakes, seatbelts, oil & water, tyres, helmet.... I think you'll find they are very close when it comes to the minimum requirements. 95% of people are a fair way off from needing ANDRA to race, if not more. 100% of people need CAMS Yeah, you've got me there granted but the regularity and potential for risk is lowered when you take away many of the variables that contribute to a crash; I.e. turning But you are much closer to those lovely walls. Toxic Gazz went off the track at the track day, slight scratch on the rim, dust/sand in the car but it drove fine. If he had of lost it the same way at the drags..... <yuk> while my main reference was stock for stock, since upgrades have been brought into the picture I somewhat agree. However most battles of manufacturers are won in the aftermarket, and my friends aren't going to begrudge a loss to me just because I am modified. Indeed it will garnish respect. This adds another level of competitiveness in the 1/4 scene I don't disagree with this, however 'competitiveness' can often lead to jealousy... Which leads to all sorts of issues. If it stays friendly, then all is good. (Hang around the OZ EFI lane at a Fast Friday and see the 'antics' between some of the H**den and Ford drviers) lol what does 'meh' mean. It may not be important to you, but there is a whole culture out there that wants to get street racing out of their system so they come down to the 1/4 Meh means... meh. You said the magic word too.... "street racing". As you know, I've done both and like both for different reasons. When talking to non-car 'buffs' mentioning that I've been track racing is met with a 'oh, okay' type response; Just any mention of Drag Racing and they assume that I am some street racing hoon doing illegal sh*t at night. Hell, I enjoy both.... but then I am a hoon from way back. TB, you should know me well enough, I'm not having a go, or trying to stir trouble, just trying to add a little balance to the answers.