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  1. mmmmm may be it was the oil fuel version ????
  2. Shane Im over in WA at the moment for work and its not looking good that ill be able to get back over to the east coast for your wedding. If I can get back ill let you know. Once again sorry for that. Steve
  3. Shane Ive got a vixen F6 BA that you have if you are interested in that, black acents 19 6 and 4 spot brembos steve
  4. No the 1st race they had this year where they teamed up. Was surgested to me that the red side may have paid them off to loose so the red team may get the #1 plate back. Just funny they gone so well all year then tell every one they changing to the dark side and it all went pear shape mmmm just think F1 the plot thickens
  5. It was brought to my attention that may be Wincup was trying not to win this year. At Philip Is while in the lead they had a tyre go away (did anyone see the tyre ?) then the big race they pull out after the pit stop and got a drive threw, Mr Dane didnt seem to worried about it, the at Wincup surface paradise put it into the fence by him self. What do you all think.
  6. cheers thanks for that. was going to drive down from darwin to sydney but the roads been washed away from heavy rain on the barkley. only done around 2500ish ks in the tt since ive had it looks like avragege 14 to 15 litres per hundred. got the f6 to have some fun in. looking atleast 130kmph here in the NT any slower and you just dont get there 110ish down through qld and western nsw. so was trying to plan my fuel stops. can get aroung the 700km per tank out of my au fairmont dont think im going to get anywhere near that but.
  7. gday all can any one please tell me what sort of fuel economy they getting out of there tt on a trip. cheers steve
  8. gday all do you think its worth the upgrade from bamrk2 f6 to the new model ? I have not yet been able to get a test drive as we dont have one in darwin as yet. any coments would be appeciated. cheers steve
  9. gday all is it to late to put my F6 in the show tommorrow ive got it down from darwin and will be taking it back next week at this stage. where will the show be like to be able take family out int town if its not to far away. steve
  10. just chasing the vibration problem that was at the start of the tread and that it might not be where you think the problem is that all. problem went on for months and sounded very much the same as what my dad had,
  11. this is true so please bear with me. me dad had a shudder and a funny noise in the front of his BA after going back to the dealer coming back with machined disc etc and a good look over dealer said all good. driving home from the dealer about an hour on country roads it was still there. after months of this as it is a country car we went looking for the problem our selfs. we found not straight away it was the air box was loose a smiple spanner job and it was fixed, stange but true. steve
  12. they work because they break up the boundary layer of air flow which is just at the surface. if installed in the corect place they are extrmely efficeent, look at aircraft wings and you will see them. as for being on the back of a car na look s^*^* but they should work quite well. steve
  13. rrrrrrrrrrrrr but remember that you have extra weight to carry and the auto is full of HP robbing planetry gear sets and the old tq converter as well to spool up, the manual is lighter and dose not cost as mush HP to run, as for boost loss which is minium within normal driving and even less when push hard due the engine already being at high revs and right within its tq curve plus ford has match the right gear sets to the manual box. Im not saying that the auto is a dog at all its just not as hard core as the manual and makes driving it softer. Its only my view you may or not agree. cheers steve
  14. G day all well I finally was able to get an email address that this froum will take ahhhhh. ive got the 6speed manual f6, great in long distance driving but a pig in traffic, luckly I dont do much city driving. the big differance that I have found that the auto dose not give the kick in the bum as what the manual dose. you hit the loud pedal in the manual and its there boy is it there, the auto here it comes then its there. hope this helps you its a great car and just the best on a long country trip.
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