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arronm last won the day on July 25 2020

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About arronm

  • Birthday 07/08/1964

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  • Member Title
    Dropping a turd

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  1. Hi Arronm I am after one of your starter button kits for my 04 BA GT-P , I hope you are still doing them. If you could let me know how much & how long it takes. Cheers Crusty

  2. It has been reused, has the sump been off before?
  3. there were cheaper in 1996. More expensive in 2011. family get luxaflex. Renters get ABC blinds. I was wrong I dong use luxoflex.
  4. This is what you want https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Ford-Falcon-FG-XR6-Redback-Mandrel-Bent-2-1-2-Catback-Exhaust-for-Sedan/254718300030?epid=3029136937&hash=item3b4e64cf7e:g:gc0AAOSwtxtcYQcC
  5. Would you be happy with 40% for a maths test. 100% where its at........
  6. I gather its the rocker cover that's different. Try BA cover on FG with BA VCT. You will need to use BA BF coils. This is just a guess but try it.
  7. Anyone got a Note 20 ultra mobile. Is it good, any issues. Its time to upgrade my Note 8.
  8. Rear tyres will stick outside the guards.
  9. https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/JDM-PRO-Exhaust-Manifold-Stud-Kit-For-FORD-6-Cyl-BA-BF-FG-XR6-FPV-Typhoon-BARRA-/123505069056
  10. Nah to black. Need a contrast to the tyre. I like gunmetal
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