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  1. Hi Guys, How do u know if your diff is on its way out? I know under warranty its replaceable how much does it cost to service and who is good at servcing them apart from ford. I dont really wanna go there as they will probably charge me an arma and a leg how much am I looking at for a diff service and how long does it take???
  2. yeah seems logical what your sayn...appreciat the advice...how much does a throttle body clean cost
  3. its a series one automatic
  4. Hey guys, Have some weird issue questions. so be prepared lol.. As im slowing down, I have this really weird noise which sounds like water bubbling. I mean im assuming its the brake fluid but to hear it bubbling is really weird. issue 2, I ahve like a howling noise coming from the rear of the car. it only howls whilst im lsowing down, so im assuming its the brakes once again. but then again I dont wanna take any chances just in case its the diff issue 3, when I finally come to a stand still, the car experiences like a weird idle..I mean befor ethat iits fine but as soon as teh car settles (in terms of stopping) this weird jolt occur..could be injectors, throttle ???not sure im so sorry for such ambigious questions, I just hate hearing unknown noises.... thanks
  5. hi Guys, Im looking to make a few adjustments to the XR6T Im looking to chnage my intercooler (not sure hich one is good, but I have been recommended the typhoon a s adirect replacement). how much should I be lookn at for that and is the advice correct? Most of the intercoolers are stating "straight fit", is it that easy or do I need to mnake other adjustmnets (via the comp) Also looking to enhance teh injectors (recommendations and how much awould they be?) Furthermore, I wanna change the exhasut (however, I beleive the current system is fne minus the cat and teh muffler) Finally, my fuel pump is osmehitng im lookn at to change. Yes, its all exciting, but I dont wanna stuff around with the comp yet,,do these chnages require computer enhacements..and of course at an affordable price I live in sydney so please do recommend away please excuse my inexperience with these enhancements as im a recent Xr6t purchaser Thanks guys (the site is awesome)
  6. Hi all. I have just noticed when I start the car in the mornings, my care revs extremely akwardly and hence makes like an annoying rattling noise right near the gear box ( could this be my exhaust mainfolds combined with my throttel position sensor) Also, in the mornings there is a squeeky noise coming from seemingly the front of the car (I.e fan belt or there abouts). this is so annoying. And now I just discoverd a clanging noise on my right rear wheel. everytime the car shales this noise appears.. Im on fire with the noises lol.. my car is falling apart All help is appreciated Thank you
  7. Hi all, looking to buy a BOV..(I know many of you say waste ot $) just wanted to know how much they are, which are ones are compatible and can I install it myself? If I can install it myself is there something on the net that shows me how to thanks guys
  8. so if I change the exhaust I must toggle witht he computer. so its not a simple procedure..I was looking at running the exhaust fromt the turbo..3 inch throughout with a high flow cat... then grabbing maybe a typhoon cooler and whacking it on mine...I alrewady have an ss custome cold air in take setup.. I didnt realsie I had to stuff around witht he computer....
  9. hi Guys, You have been asked this question a zillion times but ill try my luck... I have a stock standard 04 BA Turbo..and wanted a little bit more grunt an dnoise. my questions are? 1)is the exhaust worthwile doing?I ahve been told by a few its not 2)what is the most apporpriate blow-off valve, where can I get it from and how much? 3)what are other mods I can do cheaply to get a bit more grunt?? 4)and here is one way off the topic..the guy I bought the car off, scratched the hell out of the rims..I have the 18 inch silver polish rims..is there a place in sydney that anyones knows of that can possibly shva ethem back and restore them or do I have to buy new rims.. im really sorry about the long and dumb questions.. I appreciate your advice and this forum rocks... it has everything
  10. thanks for the headss up.. but what about the turbo themselves. are the known for stuffing up..the spark plugs melting..the computer frying.. I dunno im just trying to compare it with a few oither cars...but the xr6 turbo is my first option.. whats it like on the petrol. I mean I know if you give it hits it guzzles but normallyy whats it like.. sorry for the many questions and thank you for the welcome.. this forum is pretty good it has eveyrhting you need to know
  11. hey guys, im looking to buy an xr6 turbo.. I just wanted to know out of all the models (I.e 2002-2007) which ones are teh most reliable would you say????
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