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About Zeke

  • Birthday 20/06/1950

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  1. Happy Birthday Zeke!

  2. Happy Birthday Zeke!

  3. Happy Birthday Zeke!

  4. Zeke

    Happy Birthday Zeke!

  5. Zeke

    SA chitchat

    So where was ya??? vik...dissapointing <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, sorry Vik. Just saw this post. I did say I'd try to make it and I DID try, but things got all impossible last w/e. When I get a few business hassles out of the way I hope to get a chance to catch up with everyone again. Hope you all had a great cruise. Cheers zeke
  6. Yep, I agree with all of the above. Paintless dent removal is magic provided you get someone who has the right equipment, training, skill and experience and takes the care to do it right. I've had 3 dents done in Adelaide over about 4 years by the same bloke. I can supply his contact number if anyone needs it.
  7. Zeke

    Side Airbags

    Yep, like they said.....no tags=no bags (or major, and probably illegal, stuff-up).
  8. Bloan was right and is right. It was obvious from the start to anyone, even the average idiot. The other bullsh*t is just that.
  9. The impression I get is it reduces boost from 6+psi to about 5psi, with a corresponding decrease in power and torque, even in a stock T.
  10. I took my car into the dealer a couple of weeks ago for an unrelated matter that could be done while I waited. They told me "BTW, we have to reflash your computer". I asked the shop foreman about it and he told me that it's designed to fix the "overboost" problem but it does reduce the boost levels and the power. He went along with my "if it's not broke, don't fix it" stance. But, I think they had to mark my car on their computer as having been reflashed. Thanks to this forum, I avoided my car being emasculated! I'm very grateful, but I feel for those who got caught in this trap....especially to the extent of thinking of replacing the computers etc, like Beauies is. Gee, I'd be pissed off by that! Probably worth making sure your dealer knows what you want in regards to this....even if it means reminding them at each service. They're pretty competitive and they know you can go elsewhere if they don't keep you happy.
  11. That's great, Simon. Yep, the on-board sound isn't hifi, but it's quite respectable and very listenable....not tinny like many TV's. I just got back from the show in Melbourne and you're right....it's gone downhill somewhat. It probably wasn't worth travelling from Adelaide and I won't bother next year. But, did you have a good listen to the system with the Verity Audio speakers, Halcro amps and $100,000 turntable? I wanted to hate it, but it was magnificent. So it should at $300,000+!! Anyway I'm glad you got the Pioneer and that you're happy with it. Regards zeke
  12. FWIW, a pixel that always shows red is locked on and is far more noticeable and a greater problem than a dead pixel. Often, a dead pixel is really only a dead cell in a pixel....ie only one of the three colours (red, green blue) is not working. So, it's really only a dead 1/3 of a pixel. It's not usually very obvious (but this depends on screen size and type etc). On a HD plasma, it can't be seen from more than about a metre Generally it's difficult to get a replacement as it "doesn't affect the normal viewing experience". However, an "always live" pixel is much more annoying and usually accepted as a defect. A "flashing" pixel is worse again. Some manufacturers, especially with commercial screens, have a technique for zapping live pixels with a laser at the end of the production line to turn them into dead pixels before the screen is shipped. one or two dead pixels is within tolerance. The above comments apply to plasmas, but I think they would generally apply to lcd's as well. I had a Clarion TV in my last car and it was replaced on the basis of one defective, live pixel. So, I think you should stick to your guns re a replacement. The bottom line is that it is noticeable from the normal viewing distance and that's generally unacceptable with most screens Good luck!
  13. Good on you, Simon. If there isn't a catch to the deal (and I'm sure you would've checked out all the details of why he is selling after 2 weeks) I'm sure you'll be very happy with the Pioneer 50". Hope you're not intending to take it home with you in the Subie!? I'm going to fly over to Melbourne on Friday to have a look at the show....just decided tonite after seeing that there are still reasonably cheap airfares available. Anyone else going on Friday?
  14. I guess you guys are right, but I kinda miss the "good old days" when almost anything was acceptable. Maybe it wasn't always in the best spirit of "sportsmanship" but it was fun and at least everyone was aware of the rules 'cos there were so few of them. Somehow things seemed to sort themselves out with a lot less interference from officialdom. Then again, most of you won't remember watching motorsport 45 years ago. Maybe I should go and have a lie down.
  15. Zeke

    Foxtel Iq

    If we were on cable Foxtel, I'd order one of these thingy's. But, on satellite, you only get ABC ands SBS of the FTA channels via Fox.....so you can't use to record the other FTA channels. At least, that's the way I understand it. It'd be nice to find out I'm wrong. So, I'm one of the many waiting for the HD7000 Topfield twin-tuner PVR....it's been so long coming that people are starting to call it the Mirage HD7000!
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