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About hyprxr

  • Birthday 13/01/1988

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  • Location
    Melbourne, VIC
  • Interests
    Cars, Bikes, Boats...Pretty much anything with a motor! Guns, Physical sports...! lots of things! XR6 Turbo'z!!!
  1. Happy Birthday hyprxr!

  2. Happy Birthday hyprxr!

  3. Happy Birthday hyprxr!

  4. Happy Birthday hyprxr!

  5. Happy Birthday hyprxr!

  6. I'm not too sure on the details but its still a mark against the cars name and will be impossible to sell later...no wonder he is so keen.
  7. Well the night before I'm about to get it I was filling out all the Vicroads forms and everything...asked the guy for VIN and engine number so I can put them down and also so I can run a REVS check...turns out its had a Vehicle Identification Verification (VIV)...so no deal...I am totally gutted but so so lucky I found out now before heading all the way up to RYE towing my bike and paying pit lane $200 only to find out its had a VIV...thought it was too good to be true!
  8. yeah I'm very glad I came on here and you guys put me onto him...is a great bloke! I am really hoping he tells me the car is good...is so much nicer than the VL!!!
  9. Hi guys...went and looked at the car again...car really is imac inside and out...took it for another spin and drives really well...the guy does not have a problem with me taking the car to Pit Lane...I have rang Michael from Pit Lane and explained everything to him that I have said here and I am taking it there on Thursday and he is going to go over the whole thing...compression test...leak down test...he is putting it on the hoist and going over everything then he is also going to put it on the dyno...He said usually costs around the $250 mark but being from the forum he can do it for $200...hopefully everything is all sweet because its a really nice car...will let you guys know how everything goes and if all is well I suspect we will be chatting more in the future... Cheers.
  10. cool...thanks for all your help guys...! Will keep you posted on how it goes!
  11. and how do I know if what he tells me is good or bad?
  12. so this still leaves me with the question....what to do??? I'll have to wait and see if he will let me get it checked out tomo...I know its an awesome price...just I wonder if its any good??? What would I be asking the guys that check it out...? What am I looking out for?
  13. Ok cool thanks mate...I'll ask the guy but I doubt he will allow me to take it there...prob just tell him to stick it...yeah VL's are still holding value and are expected to rise...there arent too many good ones left...
  14. p.s...vl turbos are still holding their value at 10k more...in this condition anyway...would have to see it to understand...I really dunno what to do here guys...I like both but wanna make sure I'm happy with it in the end.
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