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da drone

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  1. just got me a XR8 ute so its play time for me YAY
  2. can he fill it in the whole car or just the steering wheel coz my ba's steering arm is a bit lose not enough to feel it but he might have it worse
  3. I'm only in the thinking stage atm I want to put my turbo on first
  4. how much would it set me back if I want to put a 6 speed manual in my BA mk1, and will it be that simple or not
  5. mate I never thought of doing that way I was going to make a horse-shoe shape box coz I want two 8" subs as well as my two 12s coz atm my sub box is sitting right in the middle of the boot ................plus there is always the front or back seats to put your shopping in lol
  6. mate u are looking at 10 to 12k for turbo kit including fitting, but make sure who ever u get it done by that they tune your car right coz the differance in compresion ratio is diff between the xr6 and xr6 turbo, street fords reacons that if u turbo the barra182 u will blow it, I saying that I have got a tubo kit off a xr6 turbo ready to go just not enough money
  7. are u on QSS coz I think I have seen that red beast on it
  8. god dam it I'm a slug If you are a Slug: Always up to some sort of a mischief! The mischievous gleam in your eyes is what makes you so cute and attractive to everyone. You are an extremely fun-to-be-with kind of person. No wonder people seek for your company and look forward to include you for all get-together's. However, you are sensitive which is a drawback. People need to select their words while talking to you. If someone tries to fiddle around and play with words while dealing with you, it is enough to invite your wrath. God bless the person then! so not true
  9. I live in port douglas went for a trip to cooktown 2 weeks ago $1500 from fibersports I know the paint is not a match I got a mate of mine to paint it and he rushed it, so when I buy my spoiler and bonet I'm going to attempt to paint it myself (can't get any worse)
  10. thanx guys ...I'm going to get the back lower coz the rear bar sits up a bit high and u can see the bottem of the muffler and one day I'm going to paint the door strips plus looking at getting a GT spoiler and vented bonet
  11. now I know some ppl don't like fake look-a-like cars but I'm happy with it
  12. I tink that if ya do it ppl who pull up beside u they might think that it is just a standed ute then when u punch it they will be like , plus I don't think many ppl have done that to a BA N/A 6 ute.
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