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  1. Hi, I got a call back from Ford CRC last Friday, they will be paying for 60% of the work on the head gasket and the diff hat reseal, I've still got to pay the remaining 40% on that, as well as the remaining work to be done, but still it's better than a kick in the teeth IMHO So I'm pretty happy all round, and glad that I've always had it serviced by Ford.
  2. Hi Guys, My XR6T BA Mk I (04 model) has run out of warranty (by about a year) it has only done 45,000 and I just took it in for its service. I'd recently noticed a few things that didn't quite feel right and mentioned it to them when I took it in. I got there in the afternoon to pick it up, and get a bit of a shock when they tell me that it's got a cracked head gasket, and needs a diff hat reseal, serp belt, idler pulley, and crank shaft seal due to leakage of various fluids. This left me feeling a bit miffed to say the least, as it's always been regularly serviced, by the people we bought it from (new I might add, and official ford dealer, servicer etc), and now one year out of warranty and all of this happens at once :*( The people where we get it serviced suggested calling Ford CRC to see if they may be able to do something. I did this, and they were very helpful and will get back to me by Friday. But if this comes to nothing then I'm up for a few grand to get all of these issues sorted. Has anyone else had any thing like this happen? Cheers, Tim.
  3. licton


    Hi, I'm also new to the board. Just wanted to say hello
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