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Everything posted by richdave

  1. Thanks LionHeart for the info.
  2. I respect your opinion however I like it. Different strokes for different folks. :D
  3. richdave

    The Other Car

    My missus Daewoo wagon has a mount in the roof above rear door....but Daewoo's don't really count as cars do they :lol: :lol:
  4. Was the car you drove an auto or manual? The Traction control is only available on autos according to specs at www.newfalcon.com.au
  5. I have taken some snaps of a Phanton XR6. I'll either post them or put them on the web and post a link hopefully later tonight. Thanks to Peter at Ethridge Vermont who had the car moved from the showroom to the yard so I could see it in full sunlight. I'm sold. I'll be ordering Phantom.
  6. I've just packed the camera so I'll try and drop in tomorrow and take some pics. Hopefully it'll be out in the yard so that I can get a "day light" perspective. It's a little ironic that the thread is called Blueprint and here we are discussing Phantom :lol:
  7. richdave

    The Other Car

    Well the baby seat made a lasting impression in my VT so theres NO WAY it's going on the leather when my new baby (the car :lol: ) arrives. I suggest that you have a very thick blanket under it. Most damage occured wher the belt went over the back of the seat, compressed it a lot. Can't see how to avoid it with a parcel shelf fixing point
  8. Doesn't matter how many times I see this car, I still LOVE the look :D :D
  9. Yeah that would be great to have him come and answer some of our questions once and for all. Perhaps Ford PR man can whisper in his ear? :lol: :lol:
  10. Yeah, I was told that by FPV nearly 3 weeks back, then last week they contacted me and withdrew this information, claiming that both are "standard options" but you can't have both on the same car! that's why I posted this thread so that when the deliveries start happening I can get the truth from a reliable source - an owner.
  11. FYI - The national fleet discount is around 5K and any options usually get about 25% discount. The Vic Government discount is closer to 8K and that's for a stock N/A XR6. There is clearly room for these guys to move. Also in Vic if you can get the price below $45K exc reg and stamps, you save 1% on stamp duty - up to $45K its 4% over that and it's 5% and it's flat rate so even $1.00 over the $45K and you get hit.
  12. You origially posted on the 26th Oct - 1 week back that you had ordered. Given it wasn't stock either, I'm amazed that you could cancel your order.
  13. I just checked the specs and LSD is standard fare on the Turbo Ute and traction control is not offered at all. So you'll not get any surprises upon delivery and will (I'm sure) be very happy. :D
  14. Sorry! the danger of quoting someone from memory is you get it wrong. Heres the snippet from the email I got from FPV So I assume you are correct, the turbo is fitted in factory as part of the assembled motor.
  15. Yeah, I was all set on the Blueprint, but the Phantom is growing on me. I'm lucky that the local dealer has one on the floor, but each time I go past they have it inside. I want to see it in full daylight before I make the final decision. The wife prefers Blueprint but gave the OK for Phantom if that's what I want. :D (she's seen it in the showroom)
  16. The latest from Ford is that LSD and Traction control are both "standard options" but you can't have both. Those of you who have already ordered your XR6 T, did you specify on the order either or both of these options? If only one, which one?
  17. Geoff Polidies does not respond to corespondance. I know, sent him a fax weeks ago asking for him to clarify the specs on the turbo. No relpy. I dont think he is likely to grace us here
  18. The car is easier to move than the motor 'cause its complete and on wheels, then FPV fit the turbo, ducts, pipes etc. and viola! :D it's ready to ship. The otherway means moving the motor twice.
  19. I'd swap the KA for either of those lovely ladies
  20. richdave

    The Other Car

    Now theres a good reason for getting the snip!
  21. richdave

    Xr6t Problem

    Yes, but are they XRs? I guess I win the goose award here! No, and re reading the posts it is obvious that I *missed* the important part - XR ute. My apologies to all.
  22. I've given up asking Ford and will wait till ssomeone actually receives theirs so they can tell me.
  23. richdave

    Xr6t Problem

    Ethridge in Vermont have at least 3 BA utes on the floor. That seems a lot of demo stock
  24. richdave

    Xr6t Problem

    hey just to let ya know the xr6t utes cant strat production in january...becoz I saw one driving driving aorund in the city the other day....and it wasnt a test drive one...it was a man and his wife in it... I'm sure I saw a narooma blue BA uet at Ethridge ford In Vermont today
  25. richdave

    Ordered Mine

    IMO the auto is the way to go...Many of us will be watching the after market tweaks emerge over the next few months with eagerness.
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