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Everything posted by richdave

  1. The newfalcon.com.au website - research tools, specs and options, technical, clearly states ULP/PLP as "recommended" fuel for the Turbo but they do not specify RON.
  2. and I thought I was lyDsetsic!
  3. Are you married to my wife as well :lol: :lol: Now that's a sensible approach..perhaps I should try that..... At least you'll have a FAST get away car if required I.e. rolling pins or other harmful implements are produced :lol: :lol:
  4. I think they pricing is comparble with Expensive Daewoo although IMO the Ford standard features out class the VY exec, and the car is much better value for money than the "equivalent" (if there is realy such a thing )Magna or Camry. I think the extras on the Futura and the XR are exceptional value compared to the XT. The Turbo is IMO the top of the tree for value for money/bang for buck! The XR8 will have to be exceptional to justify the premium in price - IIRC about $7k Just for a laugh I got onto the Toyota website and optioned up a Sportivo, fully optioned it topped 50K....now that's getting out of hand!
  5. Man you must have one understanding wife.....Hi honey, I'm home......BTW look out the window I spent about $50K on a new car! I got caned for not telling her I put $500 on the V/C.....and it's my bloody credit card! Back on subject...sounds awsome, when does she arrive.
  6. Thanks Turob6man for the explanation
  7. Hey man...anything looks good when you're on grass... :lol: :lol: Seriously, It looks fantastic :D
  8. Hmm that boost gauge in the first pic looks a lot like a 5110 car kit cradle..... :lol: :lol: BTW now you have the gauge, what use is it - seriously I've never had anything to do with a turbo before apart from see the odd one on the roads....
  9. Go the leather, you'll enjoy it every day and it's a one off cost without any expensive wearing bits that'll cost the best part of $2000 to replace every year or so. that's my plan and your welcome to copy me :lol: :lol: :lol:
  10. scott52, I like the pic..yep IMO it's a better place for the phone. Is the bracket able to be mounted on the RH side of console? I find that the RH side is a better position for a quick look down rather than to the side while driving.
  11. I was quoted 28 Feb 03, then recieved a call last friday...now BEST case 30 April, but may go as far as June according to the lease Company
  12. First gear for the auto is 2.50 and for the manual 2.95 with exactly the same Diff ratio of 3.45
  13. Yep it works...pity I dont have a SIDO or VIN yet........ :lol: :lol:
  14. No pic 'cause I dont have a car...but I believe it is next to the aux power socket which lives under the tissue holder.
  15. I dont think they have made the paper to print the order for the iron ore from the mine for my car yet....
  16. maybe you should order one with the number plate V8URDO (V ate your dough) :lol: Doesn't sound like a bargain to me....
  17. Make sure you guys take LOTS of photos for us lower class members who don't actually have a car yet :lol:
  18. Yep it seems so.... I started this thread on Dec 22nd and called it 250 members, on the 24th I changed the name to 275, and as of today we have 385 members! To quote a hero of mine - that's a beautiful set of numbers.....I think he went on to say something about bringing home the bacon after that... :lol: I checked the member list we had 136 new members from the 22nd December to now. No lyDsectia here :D
  19. Sorry scott52...it seems you carry the flag for the forum in the west....so get out there and preach the Gospel according to Ford Turbos.... BTW I'm sure it's in the good book just after genisis, you know that bit where the big guy goes on something about in the beginning there was Ford and it was good..... :lol: :lol: :lol:
  20. Hi MavSS the following thread has a few more Venom pics in it :D XR pics
  21. Heres a link to a previous thread on alarms..hope it helps Alarm thread
  22. I hear the thud of a gauntlet hitting the ground.... A better test would be for the mod'ed car and a stock car to be tested side by side so that conditions are as close to as possible..... The outcome would be VERY interesting.
  23. MMMM...nice pics, perhaps I should get the V8 if I gotta wait so long.
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