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Everything posted by richdave

  1. yeah Dagabond...as Sinade O'Connor once said....nothing compares to you
  2. Today well into a test drive with my mate behind the wheel, he accelerated out of a roundabout. As he exited the car power just died momentarily, then a bout 4 - 5 pops and the power comes back on. I asked why he backed off...the reply...I didn't! Now I'm wondering what actually happened The rest of the drive went without a hitch and the result...."I want one...In black :D "
  3. Well today I found out that high curbs at the safeway and the front skirt of the XR don't get along A 25mm x 5mm.. scratch Medic!...wheres the morphine and touch up paint
  4. Been there......still there. relax you're amonst friends :D
  5. Cam - the shorting out theory is of course possible, if the film is conductive at its surface. A simple test with a ohm meter will establish that. Why not get a sample and test it but dont pierce the surface of the film. As stated, I was being very simplistic in my explanation. MY RF theory is a little rusty too, however I was not really trying to imply that it was acting as a shield, although it does read that way in retrospect. The more likely effect (as you have indicated) is reduced efficiency due to the ground plane effect of a large metalic surface laying across the aerial (window) surface. This will greatly affect the properties of the aerial and MAY cause loss of RF sensitivity at the desired frequencies. It may also increase sensitivity at undesired frequencies leading to increased noise to the RF amplifier. I suspect that the RF front end of the radio is not very sophisticated and relys on a band pass filter (500khz - 110Mhz) and a rather simple AGC system. So an increase in RF noise in these frequencies would reduce the RF amp gain and thus reduce the wanted signal being provided to the rest of the circuit. Just for clarity - this is opinion based on a little knowledge and some assumptions I have made (which may be dangerous). Until either I or someone else can provide catagoric facts it should be taken as such
  6. All metalic tints will affect radio reception regardless of construction. Simply put ANY metalic film on the window will redcue the amount of RF energy reaching the aerial. How much the signal is reduced will depend on a number of factors and may result in poor AM and FM reception particularly in marginal signal strength areas. I'd avoid it if you want trouble free reception under all circumstances.
  7. My sentiments exactly. :D BTW - got an extrenal arial since I do lots of country driving and want maximum signal strength
  8. Welcome Whizzer So where are the pics mate?
  9. No - botttom of doors are not painted :( Ford have obviously worked out that they can save money there OR perhaps the BA series 2 will come complete with "fully painted doors and boot lid" :lol: Well actually. It cheapens the car and unfortunately makes me question what other short cuts have been made
  10. My trip computer is spot on based on manual calculations - 16.1l/100km (17.5MPG) Hope it gets better
  11. In case you missed it, heres a close up :lol:
  12. Finally - I have fitted the ONLY fashion accessory you need to have on your XR6T that is not genuine Ford :D
  13. c'mon, can't you all just appreciate a fine looking car for what it is. If you want to bastardise a car, go buy a VW and put a rolls royce front on it...{end of rant}
  14. I agree with vik351 - the bonnet overhang is exactly the same on mine. IMO it is meant to be this way. If you draw a line around the bonnet edge across the gap and along the guard, it is a nice smooth arc. Just as Mr Ford designer meant it to be. I'll post the pics later
  15. Thanks Charliewool, I'll take your advice and calculate it manually over the next few tanks and see how it looks.
  16. Must admit mostly city driving and playing about alot but not giving it HEAPS. Have run it along the freeway a few times and the consumption does drop down to mid 14's. Still seems a bit high though. I'll give it a few weeks and try for a real good run on the freeway before I get concerned. BTW - just using BP supplied ULP and paying about $1.04/lt. Haven't bothered with PULP since I donot believe it will make a worthwhile difference in performance
  17. I got a set on the car. They were fitted by Westpoint. Not sure if they are genuine Ford ones but they do the trick.
  18. NO he doesn't.....unless he buys the XR8 to go with it. :lol: BTW - Nice pics mate.
  19. Today I heard for the first time, that flutter sound of a BOV in action. It was on a non stock WRX. IMO the driver must have been that guy Wayne Kerr, 'cause IMO it sounded silly.
  20. FWIW - I am getting 16lt/100kms (ouch) but having only done about 650kms, I'm not worried just yet
  21. richdave

    Pc Support

    A few years back a famous software company released an update and the instructions stated "insert disk 2 and press any key to continue". After a flood of calls to their help desk asking where the "any" key was on the keyboard. they decided that they would change the instructions on future upgrades/installs to "press a key"
  22. FWIW - I tried a few brokers and they could not come close to, let alone the prices I obtained thru dealers directly. But then I was a fleet buyer. One broker quoted me above RRP I suspect that in this current high demand/low availability climate the brokers will have a hard time bettering dealers. :banghead:
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