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Everything posted by richdave

  1. richdave

    Does Any One Know

    I wouldn't be at all unhappy with a floppy that measured 5 1/4" ... what do you think that would equate to as a "hard drive"? that would make for at least a megabite...perhaps even a gigabite...depends on your partner :lol: :lol:
  2. richdave

    Does Any One Know

    I'd rather a dicky floppy than a floppy dicky......
  3. maybe it was US dollars have heard this before and thought it was in the US
  4. That's weird because mine deeps once when disarming and twice when arming I suspect that not all dealers are ussing the "Ford" alarm. My dealer was going to fit an after market one but I insisted on the Ford one for better or worse...No compatability issues that way.
  5. MIne is in today so I'll let you know the results
  6. mine also stalled a couple of times PRIOR to the 3000k service. I believe they did something to the ECU and now done 11000k with no problems. rainy - See your dealer if only for peace of mind Kvntoday - relax, read the forum and get a "feel" for others experiences. IMO By far most owners are more than happy and there have been no major mechanical failures to date (that I am aware of).
  7. IIRC - The AUX input is a standard 3.5mm stereo audio jack
  8. Mine was fitted by the dealer too and it never beeps...the horn sounds when I open the boot while car is locked or if a door is open and I try an lock it.
  9. truly a wise man..... :lol: :lol:
  11. How/Why.........to quote a famous fish and chip shop owner...Please explain
  12. Yep, that's very true! A lot less w@nkers too. a lot less FFunk wits too :lol: :lol: :lol:
  13. I assume mine will be checked at service?
  14. WTF is this forum coming too
  15. it seems that DRL25's dad has decided on an XR6...wise decision IMO thread closed :D
  16. I printed some up myself on day, they are about business card sized so a few A4 sheets and a guillotine...viola! Calling cards. There are a few templates in one of the threads on calling cards. I also believe that ADMIN may get some made up too...but don't quote me on that. heres the thread: Calling cards thread heres the Word Doc I used as well
  17. You mean in parallel with the capacitor On the high pass filter, usually there is an additional component which has a low inductance at high frequencies and a high inductance at low frequencies....An RC or preferrably an LC network. My original statement still stands, putting a capacitor across the speaker will only serve to act as a low inductance to the low frequencies effectively shorting that part of the audio spectrum out. What will this do to the amp?
  18. ROFL.................................. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  19. you didn't happen to run over a black cat on Saturday nite Seriously - sorry to hear of your woes. Hope there is no serious damage and the other fella coughs up for the repairs. Get it checked thoroughly before you let him off the hook. On the breakdown, keep us posted sounds serious....Surely it WILL be covered by warranry as long as the car is not modified
  20. Arent you just shorting out the low frequencies by doing this? What will this do to the amp? Does the BA audio setup have a crossover network to "split" the low/mid/high frequencies for each set of speakers?
  21. Today while merrily sticking calling cards on the XR6's at Knox shopping centre, I spyed a Citric Acid turbo with the dual round exhaust tips like the Utes IIRC. it looked good. Not sure if I could be bothered changing mine though. Needless to say they got a card :lol: :lol:
  22. He is too! Better not let the wife drop the car in on Monday....... :lol: :lol: :lol:
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