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Everything posted by richdave

  1. 13000 in 5 months now 2600/month that's a bit more than the 25oooPA I bugeted on in my lease.
  2. richdave


    Hmmm.....12000km and it is just now rearing it's ugly head. Only noticable on light breaking
  3. well there you go...if you look hard enough in the dark....they ARE on
  4. How does an 11am arrival at Ballarat sound? That would mean: 8am at Maccas Fountain Gate for a 8:15 departure 9am at Maccas Western Ring road for a 9:15 departure 10am at Bacchus Marsh for a 10:15 departure.
  5. According to the Ford web site, the aux input can be fitted to any model regardless of stereo type
  6. Thanks Meg, I'll PEN it into my diary now :D
  7. I saw the "Lion Tamer" ad on a very large billboard the other day....I love it :D
  8. The dates are drawing closer and I would appreciate a decision so I can arrange to get the time off work with plenty of notice. Please advise
  9. Congratulations BarraGT.
  10. IIRC - the NZ cars come standard with PREMIUM sound so perhaps some of the pics you have seen have the standard ICC.
  11. Somebody get a pipe cutter....... seriously this is a farce, but wait there is probably more......(VIC only) your eTag could give the pollies another way to "ping" you by the same method :biggun: First the state govenrments became adicted gambling revenue...now its road tax by stealth. BTW anyone game to challenge their next speeding fine for being 3kph over the limit? given the ADR for car speedos is 10%, and that is a federal regulation (law??) surely that would have precedence over state laws. Would make an interesting case - you gotta drive to within 3% of the speed limit (assuming 100kph zone) and your car speedo may only be accurate to within 10kph
  12. if that was ALbury...then that was ME... :D Sorry it took so long to reply....
  13. richdave

    Buying Tip

    not always...... :lol: :lol: Great, we'll have to make sure we catch up when you have the "T" or sooner if you are going to the Dyno day
  14. richdave

    Buying Tip

    yes you are correct. The stamp duty rate goes from 4% to 5% for cars over $45,000 and the stamp duty is calculated flat rate so for a car that costs $44999 SD = $1799.96 and for a car that costs $45001 SD = $2250 The difference being $450.04. So it is worth saving that extra Dollar and just shows how absurd the State stamp duty law is BTW I'm not an accountant :lol: Another trap is the SD on new cars starts at 2.5% and increases depending on price, second hand cars have a flat rate SD of 4.5% IIRC. So a bargain demo car can end up costing more than you expected
  15. woo hoo another satisfied "T" owner. Welcome back after the long wait fro delivery.. BTW - dont forget to order your forum sticker... :lol:
  16. the point is to support and advertise the forum that you admit is so valuable....go on get one anyway and help keep the site running
  17. this is very unlikely since the noise must be electrical inteferance and last time I looked my turbo wasn't electrically driven... :lol: :lol: Seriously though, this is probably alternator whine.
  18. YEP...and if it wont run after you use an anti spyware program, then there is BIG hint about the motives of the program supplier. Kazza is one that is easily fixed by using Kazza lite. The others may also have other options, or source another program to do the desired job thaqt does not contain SPYWARE. remember practice SAFE HEX. /dismounts soap box.
  19. So when are we going to get a confirmed date and meeting place in Baccus Marsh? :D
  20. seems to only be of use if you are in NSW...
  21. Go HERE and get Ad-aware Ver 6 which is an anti spyware program.....you'll be surprised how much crap you can collect in a short time.
  22. WOO HOO! congratulations Mac_Dude :D NIce choice of colour :D
  23. WELCOME timbo! FWIW - I bought mine without a test drive..... I drove the N/A XR6 and decided that it was a better car than the Late model camira and trusted the reviews and power figures quoted. Westpoint may be able to help you in to a car sooner. They did for me wiping about 2 months off the greulling wait. NOT DISAPOINTED :D :D :D
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