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About duano2

  • Birthday 07/08/1984

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  1. Happy Birthday duano2!

  2. Happy Birthday duano2!

  3. Happy Birthday duano2!

  4. Happy Birthday duano2!

  5. Yeah I went there and got a quote they said $200 the first time then I asked someone else a second time and they said $250. Heaps of dudes on here are saying they all got it done cheaper elsewhere (other states)???
  6. Does anyone know the best place to get the centre muffler removed in Canberra??? and What price did you pay if you got it done??
  7. How'd the dyno day go....did anyone get any footage???
  8. Damn it jus has to be that weekend doesn't it ....im gonna be away camping. Some one will have to take some fotos and footage or something??
  9. Where's this dyno day....depending where and when I might be able to make it. Do all the Canberra guys do much...meets, cruises and stuff???
  10. G'day Boys and Girls, I'm new to the forum and look forward to sharing experiences with you all. Looks like a good place, lots of good info...so anyway who from Canberra??
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