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About Superdan

  • Birthday 06/07/1983

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  • Location
    Perff, WA
  • Member Title
    Well-Hard Bangin' Member

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  1. Happy Birthday Superdan!

  2. Happy Birthday Superdan!

  3. Happy Birthday Superdan!

  4. Happy Birthday Superdan!

  5. I think I speak for us all when I say... MORE PICS!!!!!!!
  6. Received 14/12/09 "First I want to thank you for your question about my 2008 Ford Falcon FG XR6T. The vehicle is in perfect condition,with no scratches on it, no damage. It has all the papers and documents. The price is $9,300 including shipping to your address (only in Australia). The payment will be made through eBay and only after you will receive the vehicle, I will receive the payment. If you are interested in buying it please provide me your full name and address so I can initiate the deal through eBay. I will wait your answer (if you are interested to buy) very soon. Regards Linda"
  7. Getting into freediving and spearfishing etc, and seen these breathhold trainers on ebay etc. Has anyone used these or currently using one? Cheers Dan
  8. Have a look through the sponsors forum mate, nothing but the goods in there... Sponsors PS: Whos tuning it currently/previously?
  9. What type/brand of air filter depends on which type of baby you're talking about... Baby as in 'pride and joy', as in 'ride', as in car, then it should hopefully already have an air filter under the bonnet somewhere. For an aftermarket one that will allow greater air flow, K&N are a tried and true brand. If it's an acutal baby... you're on the wrong forum...
  10. Mudvayne - Mudvayne (Yes Dillz, it be true!) a new Mudvayne album, and it's freakin awesome! Back to their roots; weird sounds, slapping bass, hard riffs and wicked breakpoints. Mudvayne - Scream With Me
  11. Yah, me too. Did a run down south on the weekend, and is only slowly creeping up again. Are you chugging through fuel, or is it just the reading that's worrying you?
  12. I watched What the, the rabbit hole, then 'the nines' on satday night. I was a bloody mess after those three!
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