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Everything posted by exarsixturbo

  1. Ok, I'm a little slow today - but what does "LTSTRQ" stand for? I know I will punch myself in the ovary as soon as I find out...
  2. It was either June or July, I cant remember which one. If you listen to the 25-1 (songs) broadcast on the JJJ website, Robbie Buck announces it. Voting will be on for about a month just before hand.
  3. It just makes no sense! So KOL's old stuff should be played on the J's but not their new stuff? So, its JJJ's fault? They are sell-outs? Or - are KOL to blame because they made a softer album? Are they the sell-outs because they chose to go down a different path with their music? Or you just hate KOL full stop? Seems to me that these types of people just love to hate commercial music just for the sake of it! Do people think you’re way cooler because you like “underground” music? (which is fine by me, I don't give two shytes, but it is annoying when they start labeling all these bands) Again, not a personal shot at you TV, just trying to get my head around it all
  4. See, that’s what I'm saying! What makes these bands sells-outs turbo-vixen? (and which bands do you class as sell-outs from that list?) They are all getting played on JJJ so it’s fair to say that JJJ plays commercial music? Or is it fair to say that all radio stations play music that people actually want to hear. If you were truly underground you wouldn't listen to any radio station because "the masses" listen to radio and that would make the bands played on radio sell-outs. Am I correct? P.S - I'm not trying to start a fight here, just curious to know why all these people get on their high horse about commercial music.
  5. LOL! So if having millions of people hearing your music, earning more money than you know what to do with, touring the world and sleeping with a new hot chick every night = being a sell-out.... Then I'd be a sell-out any day of the week!!
  6. I don’t understand all this “mainstream” rubbish? So a band gets stacks of fans, have their music played all over the world to the masses and earns heaps of cash – but then they are classed as “sell-outs” and people stop listening to them. Why? Isn’t that every bands dream? These people are then just as bad as the “mainstreamers” they hate. They don’t really like the band at all, they just like thinking they are really cool because they only listen to so-called underground music. How do you class a band as mainstream anyway? Does having a million underground fans then make you mainstream or does that just make you a very popular underground band?? Does getting played on the radio make you mainstream? (so you’re getting played on JJJ, to the masses but you’re still underground) It’s all a massive w@nk!! If I like a band then it is regardless of if they are played on commercial radio or in my mates shed.
  7. First year in a while that not only the top 10 but the top 20 is awesome. Glad KOL got so many entries. I've been a fan of them since "Molly's Chambers" Presets, PNAU, MGMT, Empire are all tops - some of the best live music ever.
  8. Looks so out of place! Like someone is just taking the piss and painted their EVO in cop livery.
  9. If you're only going for 400rwkw - you can do that on the stock turbo. Save yourself a few grand by not replacing it. Just a thought........
  10. Most of the marks should buff out. Might need a wheel alignment too but.....
  11. I think a couple of people have - but only on the back. Don't think anyone has managed to squeeze them under the front. (Correct me if I'm wrong) Have a look at this one http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/index.ph...44337&hl=22
  12. Love that one too! Variations: Sweating like a rapist Sweating like a pedophile at a school fete
  13. From memory there should be a certain amount of space around the unit to allow heat to dissipate. Obviously the front bit is fastened to the ICC/Tissue box fascia but the back section (the section inside the dash) needs air around it to help with cooling. Is there enough space in there or is the unit squeezed in really tight? Remember - heat will kill these kinds of devices really quickly!
  14. You need to be able to understand a cluster of extremely complex quantum psychics algorithms to work out how mine came about
  15. "Test Drive Unlimited" is an awesome game, but far from realistic as far as handling goes. "Grid" is another really awesome game. It is better for realistic handling than TDU but still not a proper racing sim. By far the best “arcade” race game. If you want an all out racing sim, with proper physics - then "rFactor" is by far the best. It uses all the real noises for every car too, so if you have a decent sound system it is unreal! Plus you can download mods for almost any car that exists and some that don’t. Same with tracks. The Renault F1 car on the Top Gear test track – full noise and a G25 will give you a massive horn!
  16. Nice. What kind of power has it got bloke? There is lad here in the ACT with one that has a turbo and nitrous on it. He runs the E36 M3 motor however.
  17. Bobbers are the shyz! I have been contemplating building one for ages. As soon as I get my new house (shed + workshop) I'll do that or a rat rod. My mate has Yami 750 cruiser that he bobbed the shyte out of and its awesome. Don't waste your time with a harley however.... Check it...
  18. My mates car won forced six at the Nats. The "phatass" R32 skyline. 1020rwhp I think it ended up being?? Got 3rd highest power overall. It will make 1000rwkw with his shot of gas!
  19. Well the weetbix thing was slowing so I decided to mix it up a bit! Didn't mean to offend.... Yeah, the milk one is a massive struggle! I drink lots of milk too but it is way harder than it sounds! The 100 shots of beer in 100 minutes is rough also. Rules are - You need to get beer that is between 4.6 and 5.2% Standard shot glass One shot - per minute for 100 minutes It works out to be a bit over half a case of beer in 1 hour 40 mins. That's good in anyone's book. You couldn't do it with spirits but. Far too much grog. We played "around the world" all the time and that is only 32 shots of liquor in an hour and even the most seasoned drinker is on the floor before then!
  20. 14 was the most I could fit in my bowl so that's all I did. Could probably do a couple more at a push. Anyone done 2lt of milk in one sitting? I got through about 1.5lt of flavored milk before getting very ill! Didn't chuck, but wasn't too far off!! It was the worst feeling ever! Or 10 cheese burgers is another good one. I can only do 8. Piss weak!!
  21. Mickus, how can you even contemplate giving this man "fail of the year" when The Chief is out there, running loose, imparting his wisdom on us?
  22. That's what everyone needs to do - hey Chief!!
  23. Yeah I should be there too along with 4 or 5 mates and their rice burners. Fingers crossed we get a corp garage again!
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