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exarsixturbo last won the day on May 19 2024

exarsixturbo had the most liked content!


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About exarsixturbo

  • Birthday 05/04/1984

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    The land of Politicians, Public Servants, Porno & Pyrotechnics
  • Member Title
    Dr. Speed

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  1. Happy Birthday exarsixturbo!

  2. Happy Birthday exarsixturbo!

  3. Happy Birthday exarsixturbo!

  4. Good to see he hasn't changed then!
  5. Well, well, it's so good to see a lot of familiar names still kicking around on the forum! I haven't logged in for over 18 months now and no longer have my XR but I thought I would jump on and see how the old haunt is going. Geez, I would hate to think of the hours I spent on here back in the day! Anywhoo, I'll take a look around and continue to reminisce. Is Dags still a mod?
  6. Happy Birthday Nobolony!

  7. Happy Birthday Flyboymelb!

  8. Happy Birthday Adrian_F6!

  9. Happy Birthday GCTXR6!

  10. Happy Birthday thomasmurray1!

  11. Happy Birthday exarsixturbo!

  12. Happy Birthday exarsixturbo!

  13. I just wanted to post to say that I had been part of something... which is nothing...
  14. I know this thread is near on a year old, but I just found this and it reminded me of it! Work Caution - smutty language
  15. Pity you are so far away Goldie, as I'd love to come and help you out with that fox and piggie problem you have! I've got a fresh batch of 150gr premiums and I'm just itching to apply them to some ferals at around 3000f/ps.....
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