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About SLY6T

  • Birthday 12/05/1986

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    vic , melb SE

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  1. Happy Birthday SLY6T!

  2. Happy Birthday SLY6T!

  3. Happy Birthday SLY6T!

  4. django unchained. 7.5/10 Pretty good movie... kinda sickning though, knowing all that f&%$ed slavery chit went on in history ...pretty messed up. :(
  5. Pretty damm cool ..be sick on a xr8 or built na xr6
  6. this is 40. Kinda a knocked up sequel but based around the other couple with kids.. Had its piss funny moments... and allround a top movie... only thing it went for to long for a comedy... 8/10
  7. ^ lol told my miss's... only thing.. be careful of the pedals.. for f%&$ sake there sharp hahaha
  8. Hahahah haro dave mira knee saver bars jet lol.... it had the biggest early nineties bars on it when I first bought it off my brothers best mate, they were massive .. and back in high school use to cop sh*t for them.. so I got some "modden bars" back then for it to save face... ... its cool as, even has the old school gt wing crank.. il post a pic.
  9. Getting out my ol skool GT dyno and cleaning it up for my miss's to ride.... makes me happy ... Il grab some front brakes for it this weekend.. GT + tuffs + bright yellow paint = winning .. .
  10. The garbage guys in melbourne got done a few months go picking up the recycled blue bin with the normal rubbish green bin trucks.... who are they to point fingers at u freeze lol
  11. Wire wheel on air or angle grinder.. take ya time dont push really hard ..then scotch bright pad and a light metal polish..
  12. Off to sexpo with the miss's after work today .... looking forward to getting a pic with "the hedgehog " himself ...
  13. Any one know anything about a baby blue metallic r33 gtst around narre/dandy? ... low on silver rims and no spoiler.... cruised past me on prinny this morning sounding like a jumbo, then backed off and had a v8 supercar car flame out the exhaust for about 3 seconds... pretty tuff.
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