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  1. Not interested in manual for a Falcon, I just came from a manual car, id just like something automatic and powerful.
  2. Hello all. I am looking to buy a BA-BAmk2 xr6 turbo, I would like a clean example but I am ok with it being a 4 speed BA. I want to own this car a long time and want to spend around about $15,000. Im looking for unmodified only, and well cared for models. I just missed out on a great one owner, 92,000km 04 for $14,500. And now have found a two owner gunmetal 04 mk1 for $15,800 with 115,000km. It looks in very good condition, which is what I want. However, will I run into problems in the next 50,000 km's? Im looking to buy in the Brisbane area so flood damage is another issue. Also will I still get the quoted 12.5L/100km running 91 octane fuel? Or will I need to use 95 to get that type of economy. The car will be mostly used for long highway commuting and country driving. I am new to this whole Ford business and a Expensive Daewoo convert, if anyone has any information for me that would be great. Also if anyone is selling, or knows of someone selling a well cared for 04-05 in the Brisbane area that would also be fantastic. I have looked at roughly 5, its funny, you find some 06's that feel like absolute piles of crap, they squeak and the interior is rubbish, and than some higher km examples that feel brand new inside and outside. http://tinyurl.com/6xksl6j That is the particular car I was looking at. Amy information would be much appreciated, Kind Regards. edit - ive also considered just buying a non turbo BF Xr6 with a 6 speed ZF, as they are well within my budget, and very easy to find under $15,000. However I must admit my hearts not really into the non turbos.
  3. I doubt I'd ever drag race it its just at the moment in my VT I have a 4L60E, and it has some pretty chronic gear holes at around 60-70, if you really want to move at those type of rev's your stuck going no were, nothing some new diff gears wouldn't fix, but they are pretty unnecessary when you're trying to do a street car the thing is ZF 6 speeds are still well above 20 grand. Alot of the the BA 4 speeds are high teens, which is alot for their age.
  4. FG's are such rockets, they would blow alot of pretty quick street cars from a few years back away, in stock form. The rear tires struggle under the grip, the ESC lets you have alot of play before it pulls you back in too. Its not even hard, turn corner, blip throttle.
  5. Hi guys, I'm moving over from the Expensive Daewoo camp, going to pick up a BA XR6t sometime in the near future. I'm just wondering, what is the actual performance difference noticed between the 4 speed and 6 speed auto models? Acceleration, fuel economy etc? Alot of the 6 speed BA mk2's and BF's are outside of my budget, if I end up with a 4 speed model, will I be forever disappointed with it? I've driven a FG 6 speed, and a BA 4 speed, the FG was significantly faster, but hopefully that's nothing a tune with some more boost won't fix in the BA.
  6. What was interesting is that the Falcon clearly was faster, with similar acceleration figures and a better trap time, yet the laptimes were dead on even. That says alot about the brakes, chasis and suspension in the R8. But there is no doubt the F6 has it destroyed in a straight line.
  7. Isn't that the GT running in the 14's? SS's have done 13.3 under Motor testing before.
  8. "Premium Sound,New Tyres, 6 months rego 252 HWA. One owner with books in excellent condition throughout. Mercury Silver with black/grey trim , tinted windows,mats,lamp protectors and only 52000klm . Family car that has been well maintained and garaged . A must see at $24000" Sounds perfect, I would like one in blue though, but with those km's and condition meets every criteria, I'll try to go inspect it this weekend.
  9. sounds much like my Late model camira uses, that's amazing, these cars have close to 100 more kw. aiboart, that's a very interesting analogy. It sounds like they meet the bill perfectly, I see why they have such a large cult following, no comes the trying to find a MK1 close to 20k effort.
  10. Sounds like I'll try to find a frost white MK1 Auto :D One more question, how do you guys find fuel economy is on highway trips? I'm going to be putting alot of miles on this car driving 150km round trips to uni 4 times a week. I'm hoping 10L/100km will be achievable.
  11. That twin turbo v6 engine does have potential, while I will miss the i6t, its nice to see Ford won't be dropping the turbo model from the lineup completely.
  12. the typhoons seem to be getting faster over time. I remember back in 2005 they were about on par with the high 13's to low 14's set by the LS2 clubsports of the time. Now they are creeping in mid to low 13 second runs. I'm thinking Ford may be up to some Ninja power increases...
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