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  1. This stage 1 cooler is awesome and it's what I've got. I'm running over 320 RWKW In black behind the lower grill insert you can't even see it....totally stealth how I like it! I also replaced the factory engine plumbing with Plazmaman piping because I didn't like the small over engine piece which connects to the throttle body. The pipes are in black too and look really nice against the red rocker cover!!
  2. Thanks so much guys for the help... really appreciated!!
  3. As the title says... Is it possible to import a car from the UK? Prices there are cheap and their pound is low at the moment which gives us good buying power... Are there any companies that can help you out with it? Reckon it would be worthwhile?
  4. Thanks Zap, Ok so forgetting the business lease.....and taking into account I don't have the money to buy outright.....asides from obviously not buying a car.....purchasing it with finance from my house is really the only way to go..... I know I will cop depreciation....the low interest rates are good though right??
  5. Hi all, When it comes to financing vehicles I am fairly new. I would like to know the different options for purchasing a vehicle second hand. Let's make VEHICLE X worth $85,000 second hand, either from a private seller or through a dealer. I could: a) Purchase outright with cash b) Re-finance my mortgage and buy the car outright against my house paying 5.5% interest (approx) c) Get a personal loan (I know this is a bad option) d) Lease through my business (although I already have 1 vehicle leased so maybe not possible?) e) ??? f) ??? What are the pluses and minuses of all the above?? I have heard the saying "I own my car outright" and I have also heard the saying "Why would you ever want to own your car outright?" Help in this finance area from people in the know would be greatly appreciated......just want to know all the options, pluses and minuses and obviously people's recommendations..... Thanks!
  6. Thanks John and Pat! Yeah it was good to meet you too John, congratulations on your times! Best I managed was my 12.1 I'll post up the time slip tonight..... Some good advice from Pat, John and the CV boys slayed 0.8 seconds off my previous PB so it was a good night for me and I left very happy. At the moment I'm planning on going back next Wednesday to try and pinch an 11
  7. Hey all, I'll be there tonight giving the white XR6T a run..... Come and say hi if you are around............
  8. Well problem rectified. I put it down to the car being extremely hot because tonight it was spooling up really well and taking off nicely!!!!!! Could have been my technique earlier on but I don't think so
  9. No it wasn't traction control..... Thanks guys.....
  10. Just having a play around with my launch techniques I noticed if I hold the foot brake, I could fully floor the accelerator and revs wouldn't go past about 2000rpm..... Is that normal?? It is pretty hot today and the car was pretty hot. Would this be retarding something? I'm sure I used to be able to spin the wheels ??????? I've got some semi-slicks for the strip next time out.....what rpm should the car rev to with the semi slicks? Also what is the best way to do the burnout to warm up the semi's?? I never do burnouts....... Not much point putting semi's on if the car won't go past 2000rpm though right ?????
  11. Maybe I don't punish the car enough. I got 80,000 out of my Falken's before I changed them.......
  12. It would be easier to list the ones I like..... And that new male cheerleader for the NRL makes me
  13. The exhaust is X-force from the cat-back with the 2 new resonators. The press bends are very minor and are no restriction at the power I am running. My stock dump would be more restrictive..... The small press bends are on 2.5" pipe and I'm still running some OEM 2.25" pipe so it's no restriction for me..... Haven't had a retune yet.....tomorrow morning it's happening so I'll let you know the results........
  14. Well as a few of you know my 2.5" twin X-Force with the quiet mufflers was still too loud for me and a little droney under 2000rpm. Today I had 2 resonators added to where the flange usually sits. They are straight through 2.5" with a 5" body. They had to be squashed a little to fit properly as you can see in the pic. The sound clip isn't too great but it has eliminated all the drone and made it quieter. I LOVE the new note, it's not too loud at all and in traffic under 2000rpm it creates no attention at all. When the turbo comes on though it sounds really sweet....not loud, just powerful. I'm really happy with it!!!!! The exhaust shop did a great job. $400 including the 2 resonators..... It sounds louder in the video than in real life............
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