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Everything posted by xr6t_ute

  1. As everyone said but if you don't want to spend much money at all, don't touch it .
  2. Agreed, I gained 75rwkw but I went from std plenum and airbox to nizpro plenum and airbox
  3. Factory Std GT3582 405rwkw @ 19psi E85 4 Speed auto (2800 convertor)
  4. If your not planning on big power 42lb injectors is sufficient, ask blacktracks what they recommend .
  5. Interesting, lets see how long my 044s last, its been like 8mnths.
  6. I had that problem, got better clamps and changed to a diff silicone hose. Mine was coming off on the street, the night before I went to Calder, it was a real bitch.
  7. To be honest there is no such thing as a safe psi to run, yes lower maybe better but that's about it. If your looking at a tune, maybe get some injectors, walbro fuel pump and a centre muffler removal @12psi it will be very different to what you have now. Also make sure you take it to a reputable tuner that is very well known in tuning Ford B Series falcons. This is the most important !!!!!
  8. Holdens always a step in front of Ford...but saying that I love my Turbo Falcon
  9. I know...I was waving the white flag for the both of you..lol
  10. Sorry I should have typed it in Italics... I'l try again....Wheres the dyno graph????
  11. Ok take it easy everyone, I just shared information regarding this fuel as ive used it, we dont get anywhere keyboard bashing , ive done some dumb things in the past as well as I didnt know much about a turbo car as this is the only one I have ever owned. Lets get on with it.
  12. My personal experience with the nizpro big big cooler is this: Ran at Calder Park raceway , still std airbox and crossover in 38c temperature, ute went 11.36 Ran at Calder Park Raceway, still std airbox and crossover in 22c temperature, ute went 11.24 That is a realtime comparison how good that cooler works, not to mention back to back runs on a dyno I lost 0.1 rwkw.
  13. You mentioned his car is leaning out..... heres another lesson, dont put an alternative fuel in your car without a retune.
  14. any discounts for forum members...lol
  15. As said before, dont go and just put United 100 in your tank and expect results, you need to get a retune and you will pick up anywhere between 15-20 rwkw, once you get it retuned with that fuel, come back and post results, I definately know you will have a smile on your face and loving it.
  16. From stretching your pennies to now buying a atomic engine....I still think you should buy a Prius.
  17. Smashing that 10 this Wednesday.... good luck and break a leg :-)
  18. Maybe see what Ratter has to say about it while looking into the tune, maybe best to just pull a tad of timing out
  19. dazzler get the other pics out in your trusty collection
  20. Once you get your 60 ft down a little more, your there. 128 mph is definately a 10 sec pass, just a matter of hooking up better. Whats your mid track mph?
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