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JJW1978 last won the day on December 5 2013

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About JJW1978

  • Birthday 07/01/1978

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    Perth, WA

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  1. Happy Birthday JJW1978!

  2. Happy Birthday JJW1978!

  3. Happy Birthday JJW1978!

  4. yeah same guy. to be honest, whilst I'm pissed at the situation the guy is being pretty open about the situation. at this stage I'd be happy if his insurance company wrote the car off and I got a pay out.
  5. Thanks for all the replys. I've talked to the mechanic this morning and he's agreed to make a claim through his insurance. If it gets picked up he'll have a $1000 excess which he's agreed to cover. If it doesn't get picked up then we'll work through the issue together and come up with a solution. I'm a reasonable person but don't feel like I should be wearing all of the costs.
  6. So if a mechanic is in over his head and has no idea how to fix a problem he can keep testing and overboosting until the engine blows up?
  7. Ok the scenario in which the mechanic blew up my engine is as follows: - I drive my car like a normal person. The overboost issue was identified when I got the inlet manifold gasket replaced. - This is the very first problem I've had with anything to do with the engine. - I brought the car back to the mechanic the very next week to identify and fix the problem. The overboost only occurred after 2500rpm and I made sure not to go above that. - Mechanic spends nearly a week testing, overboosting and scratching his head about the problem. Tests/replaces every mechanical little part he can think of. - He told me the computer errors where telling him it was a wastegate problem but he didn't believe the errors. So he ignores the errors and refuses to look at the wastegate. - Finally yesterday he was taking it to an EFI guy to look at the electronics of the car and he gave it a boot "to see if the problem was still there" and the engine blew up. Note: I had to call them every single day to find out what was happening with my car. Even when they blew it up they didn't call me. They waited all day until I called them at 5:30pm to tell me. Does this really sound like it's my fault?
  8. Apparently, engine blew a rod out the side of the engine block when he was out on the road testing it. Hmm not sure I'll name names just yet. They might be cool about it. They've always looked after me hence why I kept going back to them. Car was stock and no custom tune. It started overboosting after I got the intake manifold gasket replaced. Mechanic has been "testing" everything he can think off before checking the electrics like the ECU. I kinda think that's the first thing he should of checked. He had it nearly a week. I've been told by a lawyer friend to try and resolve it with the mechanic first and if I'm not happy with that to take it to the Department of Consumer Protection to try and resolve it. Most annoying thing is I was going to sell it soon. Maybe I should try get him to buy it and then he can fix it up and his leisure.
  9. I'm still in shock but basically I sent my car in for repairs to (what I thought was) a reputable mechanic for an overboost problem. In their attempts at testing and problem solving (which has taken nearly a week) they've blown up the engine. What do I do? I this something I have pay for? What are my rights as a consumer? I'm at a lose as how to proceed.
  10. Well the mechanic has succeeded in blowing my engine up in his attempts to find a solution. any advice for suing an auto mechanic?
  11. He said that to check if the wastegate is opening properly he has to take the turbo out, big job apparently. He "thinks" it's working ok. No aftermarket tune. Standard exhaust and cat is still in. The car is fully stock. Mechanic says he's tested all the mechanical things he can and they're all working properly. I have the car back this weekend and it's running a lot better. Overboost doesn't kick in now until 3500rpm and the shuddering is no where near as bad. There is a fluttering sound now when I back off at high boost that wasn't there before. I'm thinking he's just in over his head. I'm trying to fix all the little bits and pieces so I can sell it and this guy is just scratching his head about this. Very frustrating.
  12. Hi guys, I'm pretty sure my BA XR6T has an overboost problem, or at least this is what the mechanic is telling me. They've had it for 3 days and can't determine what is causing it. I don't know too much about turbos so I'll try and explain as best I can and hopefully someone here might be able to help. The car drives fine when driven normally, however there is a shuddering and slight backfire at 2500-3000rpm. The mechanic has tested the car with gauges and there's nothing wrong with the fuel pressure however there is 20psi of boost when this shuddering happens. The computer errors he gets is consistent with a wastegate problem but he says that it's working. He can see the "pin moving" on the side of the wastegate, although he says to really see if it's working he needs to take the turbo out. He doesn't think the wastegate is the problem. All the plugs, coils and cables are fine. They thought they fixed it the other day but they had blown a hose off the turbo. He's been talking about putting hoses in with loops to control the boost going to the turbo but this sounds like a patch up job. The only thing they can think of is something electrical. I explained the problem to a friend and he said it might be the ECU. The car had a hole in the inlet manifold gasket recently as well, and it was after I got that fixed that I really started to notice this overboost problem. Is the mechanic over his head because I start to get worried when mechanics don't know what the problem is. They tend to start replacing everything they can hoping that'll make a difference. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, James. PS: who would be best to take the car to if the mechanic can't do the job?
  13. Happy Birthday JJW1978!

  14. Happy Birthday JJW1978!

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