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  1. I don't know whether to push or to agree to what she's offered...
  2. I'm not sure about FPV's but I guess Ford would be a bit stingy with them. Hopefully it does apply.. Yeah, she said she'll go sus out the rebate but if she pretends such a thing doesn't exist what do I do?? I have a 'friend' at another dealership though and I told her that so hopefully she works a little harder.. I just called two dealers and they both said there is no rebate on any of the Falcon range? theblueyjr, did you get any word yet?
  3. Thanks for the quick replies guys. Yeah a salesman that I was talking to said his meeting was right now but another one with an XR6T was like WTF? So I'm not sure. I'm going to call the other salesman who is going into the meeting but how will I get this rebate on the other car if they haven't heard about it?? Regards PS. Hopefully you do get your F6 today. Running in starts earlier.
  4. Hey guys, In another thread a member mentioned about a cashback that is being offered by Ford. It was supposed to be given today to the dealers. Has anyone else got more details on it? Regards
  5. Hey mate got a few q's for ya.... Did you try to get your XR6T through Etheridge Ford initially?? Would you recommend them to someone else? And roughly how much coin are you forking out for your R-Spec?? Congrats on your purchase and hope you enjoy!
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