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About hanra

  • Birthday 01/01/2007

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Nrth Qld
  • Interests
    Holden Commodores.
  • Member Title
    Into the laaaake

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  1. Happy Birthday hanra!

  2. Happy Birthday hanra!

  3. Happy Birthday hanra!

  4. Happy Birthday hanra!

  5. Happy Birthday hanra!

  6. I dont care about the sell price, its more the principle of just asking first? My phone has been running hot all weekend with mates telling me my utes in the paper and he is using my photo..
  7. If a vehicle you sold almost a year ago appeared in the local paper for sale again, using a picture that you had taken of the car, which the new owner has used without asking permission? The photo has more then likely been copied from my Facebook profile. Also the current owner is using the same picture as his Facebook profile picture. This is in regards to my old ute that has popped up again for sale for $30k, was $32k about 4-5 months ago, he used the same picture in the paper then to. I sold it for $23,500k, I believe its had a Nizpro Kit fitted to it? This is the picture in question:
  8. Take us for a spin when its done John!!
  9. Heres some pics of my install. It might come in handy, theres also pics of the trans cooler install in the same folder: http://s70.photobucket.com/albums/i91/Hanr...tall/?start=all
  10. Geez I didnt know Steve opened up shop over there. that's a bold move, hope it all goes well. Sam.us, I would be getting in touch with Steve at RDP, there would not be many folk in the US that know as much about F6 engines/tuning as Steve would. The electronics with the ZF 6spd Auto could be a tough job for you though.
  11. I drove down from Cairns, its similar distance.
  12. Its only 860klms to Mackay! Go and see Dave.
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