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  1. Just a quick question, if using the soundstream duel ciol sub do you wire it for 2ohms or 8ohms with the factory amp? Thanks
  2. I'm suprised that this problem hasn't been fixed by now, fantastic car except that anoying clunk. If they are all like that it may be the deal breaker for me.
  3. Thanks, does that mean they all do it?
  4. Hi guys, been a long time member but time for my first xr6t. I test drove an 09 auto with 65k on the clock and was very suprised at how well it drove. The only issue I could pick up was when slowing to a complete stop there was a clunk comming from the rear somewhere? If I braked quickly it wasn't there, or not noticable only when braking lightly. Any assistance would be great, I did do a search but could not find the same clunk I was feeling. Thanks
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