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Everything posted by Dillz

  1. Agree but also if your not lifting your max your not making any progress either. It's just trial and error, I'd rather my form drop slightly then go to light with perfect form. Unless you just wanna maintain, that's what I've been told anyway.
  2. Yeah I thought a massive shootout only happened once a week, guess I haven't been paying attention.
  3. Fark apparently there is gun battles almost every night in Melbourne now? Lol
  4. Yeah that's what I meant, fair enough.
  5. Yeah why lift less then you can?
  6. Someone has made 390 with one on 98 I think so on a cooler burning fuel you might be right?
  7. I'm starting to see them pop up everywhere, got one just round the corner. So if people plan on running only e85 do they still have to get a 98 tune? Or can you start from scratch on e85?
  8. I'm essentially on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week and work long ours. Still not a good excuse but this should make it easier.
  9. Nah , snap fitness. Now just gotta hit up Protien direct as they didn't seem to have any WPI in bulk last time I checked.
  10. Just joined a 24 gym 5 min from my house, 4 days a week now no excuse.
  11. Dillz

    Xr6T Diy Day

    I'll try and make it, just got to clean my airfilter really but can help out with solenoid/intake etc. People can also have a listen to what it sounds like with center replaced with a hotdog if they're thinking of doing it.
  12. It's an advertising point that's FALSE, making it FALSE advertising. That's my only beef.
  13. When a modified factory one seems to do the job not sure why you would bother. And when you look closer most turbo side airboxs cost around 500, it's only the battery relo that makes them more expensive.
  14. I'd assume on the vehicle it came out on and that's it.
  15. Yawn. Still illegal if you got a cooler..
  16. I've seen that, apparently it has a spoon with stage 5 vtec.
  17. Just good to see the supplement business is still booming lol. IMO I think that's why people throw in the towel so easily, they spend big for a couple of months get no results and think fark that. Not saying your gonna do that but just by reading this thread you can see how easy people are sold on hype. That's how the suppliment industry works after all lol
  18. 315 for 12 months equals... Actualy more, that protien should be gone in less then a month.
  19. You need to open a shop already..
  20. Yeah awesome way to take it out, I don't go for city but they deserved it.
  21. Car? Will fit FG without rolling, that's what I have on mine.
  22. Eat maccas 3 times a day for a week and you'll do it easy.
  23. Everyones different and reacts differently to food and eating habits.
  24. Have any lights on the dash come on?
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