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About MeatWod

  • Birthday 20/10/1988

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  1. Happy Birthday MeatWod!

  2. Happy Birthday MeatWod!

  3. Happy Birthday MeatWod!

  4. Happy Birthday Para045!

  5. Happy Birthday DJR!

  6. Happy Birthday MeatWod!

  7. Happy Birthday DJR!

  8. Happy Birthday MeatWod!

  9. If anyone was wondering... when I found that my mirror fuse was in the wrong spot I got my owners manual out and found another use in the "wrong" spot.. had totally forgotten about it and yeah anyway it was the 10A "rapier" fuse which goes to pin 9 on the tranny loom which is the IGN sense line... pissed at my self for not remembering moving it, more pissed at the ford manual which doesn't match the car. Glad I never ended up taking it to ford!
  10. Well yeah I assume I've managed to disconnect something, I didn't go near the gear selector thou id done all that work ages ago with the ICC etc, only went in behind the passenger kick panel, where there is 2 or 3 loom connectors Im sort of guessing there is a loose wire in one of them but itd take me about 4yrs to find it.. if that's even the problem! Like I said the transmission earths are supposed to be in that area but im pretty confident they aren't there I had a pretty thorough look and I can trace them to the PCM anyway so I don't think I've damaged that... My main concern is if maybe I had unseated the loom connector then tried to start it and its arc'd out and actually fried something?? I dunno ill have another play next time im home there isnt many wires coming out of the tranny. If you fully disconnect the transmission loom it doesn't even change a thing... I think ill pull the loom off the old ladys zf and see what symptoms she gets, hers is a FG thou... That should be fairly safe to do no?
  11. Modded with 360rwkw ZF is stock and was serviced 10k km ago, and its a 06 BF F6 if that helps
  12. Hi guys I think my ZF may have died :( well the TCM at least... I pulled the car out of the garage to work on my carputer (located in the passenger foot well behind the kick panels) I then went to start it an hour or two later and it wont turn over! it's nothing battery related. It's missing the earth at the starter relay after checking the schematics the earth comes from the transmission loom into the PCM then out of the PCM to the relay, I can chase the earth going into the PCM but it doesn't come out :(. If you manually earth the relay the car will start and idle fine. There is no fault codes, and the gear selection on the dash cluster is blank.. so I'm guessing the TCM isn't sending the right signal to the PCM to say hi im working send the earth through to the relay. I've checked all the looms down in the passenger footwell reseated them all, the manual told me the transmission earths (pin 13 & 16 from memory) are earthed there but I couldn't find them for the life of me... did find them in the engine back in a loom that sits right next to the pcm & in to the actual PCM it's self so I don't think it's an earth issue, but more likely it isn't sending a CAN or w/e it uses type signal to the PCM if you do start the car by bypassing that earth its in serious limp mode(not that there is any lights or anything on the dash & my OBDII adapter doesn't pick up any faults) it just basically has no drive at all will SLOWLY creep forward and you cant rev over 2k. Gear selections are REALLY rough as well through P,R,D etc Any ideas :( probably going to have to end up towing it to fraud. Has anyone had a TCM fail and what were the symptoms??
  13. stock ZF 6 spd Few mods to the actual car, touchscreen in the ICC, carputer in the left side footwell (hooked directly to the battery with a new set of wires) with ignition sense wire on the hand free phone loom under the fuse panel. then just some power mods; Zorst, IC, CIA, Injectors, Tune when it stopped working, all I had done was replace a move a fuse which I had in the wrong spot (7.5A fuse for side mirrors etc) was on the wrong side in a not used slot so I moved it to the correct location, and also pulled the car puter out to do some updates didnt really touch anything thou... ive pulled out all the looms in the passenger footwell and reseated them all still no help :( So im guessing it's either the trans computer or the PCM that is dead... but I cant belive there is no error code comming up! and if you unplug the loom going into the transmission it is exactly the same... still no error codes and still nothing on the dash as youd expect so im more leaning towards dead transmission computer
  14. bit of an update checked out the schematics... I have an earth all the way from the alternator to the tranny to the PCM but no earth comes out of the PCM to go into the start relay... so im kinda thinking maybe the PCM is f*cked... :( if I manually run an earth to the start relay the car actually starts & there are no OBD2 fault codes but the car is in serious limp mode, there is no gear selection showing on the cluster like usual and im fairly confident the sequential shifter isnt working. the car wont rev above 1500rpm in gear and has almost no drive at all, needed a runup to get over a 1cm ledge lol.. but it does run smoothly idles fine etc so in that reguard I think the PCM is fine. I really dont know what else to check :( might have to throw it on a trailer and take it to ford :< Out of curosity I have a flash box 1... if I get a new PCM will my flash box still work or will it need resetting(aka thrown in the bin) and id have to get a new flash2/3?
  15. So it's the transmission or related at least I should have picked it up earlier the dash dosnt show what gear it is in, and if you earth out the relay for the transmission park sensor on the relay she starts fine... What now :( where abouts is the PCM? I was working on the car, installing a carputer in the passenger footwell but I didnt really touch anything most of the gear was already in there just sorting a few things out, all the looms etc are still all connected
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