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About Simmaz

  • Birthday 11/08/1981

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  1. Happy Birthday Simmaz!

  2. Happy Birthday Simmaz!

  3. Happy Birthday Simmaz!

  4. Happy Birthday Simmaz!

  5. Simmaz

    Round Abouts

    No you don't..... "When exiting a roundabout, whether you are turning left, right or even going straight ahead, you must always indicate a left turn just before you exit, unless it is not practical to do so." http://www.rta.nsw.gov.au/rulesregulations...lid=roundabouts Sorry to bring out the references and all, but this is one thing that p*sses me off the most. That and ppl who have never seen an indicator in their lives. When I was 17 (much long time ago!) and on my P's, I was stopped at a roundabout at dusk. Checked, and then went through. Unknown to me, a moto rider had decided to go through at RIDICULOUS speed and with his headlight busted. Its funny now because he got off with a few scratches and a dinged bike, but you should have ssen him fly!!
  6. Go to http://www.emule-project.net All you need to know about how to file share is there (along with the program to use to get this file) Is also very handy if you want to download tv shows etc etc... Also look at http://tvunderground.org.ru for examples.... Anyone who needs to, PM me if you have trouble getting it set up.... Simmaz
  7. ZAP_F6, Might be a stupid question but what are PID's? Simmaz
  8. Hi All, Been doing a little reading over the weekend and am looking at doing my own LCD gauge system for my T.... I have found a product at http://www.motorscan.com.au/ called the ElmScan PWM J1850 (Ford Corporation vehicles) that goes for AUD$155. It looks to basically handle everything from the Diagnostics Port to the RS232 connection on a PC/Laptop... It also has software which will make it easy for upper level verification... If anyone has a suggestion for a better interface product, let me know... From there, I am looking at my options and have come up with the following: 1 - iPAQ (Palm PC) Will allow me to develop a .NET application that could: - Show digital readouts/gauges of anything that is transmitted across that CAN bus - Log all sensor data transmitted over that CAN bus for analysis - Data could be transferred to a PC as well for analysis/storage 2 - Gameboy Advance Will allow me to develop a GBA application that could: - Show digital readouts/gauges of anything transmitted on the CAN Bus - Will be limited with its memory, screen size, and If anyone has any other options that they think will be more suitable, please let me know.... I am not planning on getting this done in a hurry, will probably take me around 6 months if it takes off as I have other commitments... that said, would appreciate input, cos if it works, I am keen to get it into as many T owners cars as possible...
  9. This is new info.... I emailed the guy behind it this morning and should hopefully know if he is interested some time today.... should also have some pics.... The display is full colour and you can tab between screens to show all types of stuff...boost, rpm, temps, pressures, basically anything that can be grabbed from the CAN... trust me it looks good... Heres hoping he says yes! He has always been keen to market this but hasnt got around to it...
  10. Looks bloody awesome. Reminds me of some stuff that we were doing a year or so ago. While at uni, I was involved in a program called FSAE, a worldwide comp where you design, build, test and race small open wheelers. We built using a 600cc moto engine, at GT15V turbo and a MoTeC M800 ECU. Anyway, we used an ATCAN chip from Atmel (can tap into the CAN bus) and a Gameboy advance. We ripped the guts out of the Gameboy, mounted it in a custom steering wheel and used it to interface to the MoTeC via CAN. Looked Sweet.... All the kjnow how is there, the only difficulty would be hacking the CAN protocol, but that is not too much of an issue as the boys hacked MoTeCs one without too much problem.... I could get in touch with the guys behind it if there was enough interest and see how much effort would be required to do it for a T? It is relatively low cost..... (a few hundred)... If you guys are interested, I will find some pics to post and ask the guys if they are interested....
  11. Simmaz


    Amen to that! The funny looks from people don't bother me... my baby is more important!
  12. Simmaz


    If I have to park in the shops (usually only a few minutes as I hate them!), I will just be a pr*%k and park in the middle of two parking spots.... otherwise if busy, I park away! When I owned a sh*tbox in my young days (dirty old camry!), I parked and was just about to get out..... the lady next to me opened her door and smacked into my car with pretty decent force.... when she got in her car, I simply got out... swung the door open as hard as I could into her car (pretty new SUV)... smiled and went into the shops...
  13. Name: Nathan Age: 25 Location: Wollongong (NSW), of to Brisbane (QLD) soon. Occupation: I am a Control Systems Engineer. Design, develop, and commission systems for the automation and control of heavy industrial processes (Mainly for mines, electricity plants, steelworks, manufacturing etc).
  14. From Wollongong, but headin up to live out Brisbane way in the next month or so......
  15. Hi All, been reading this forum for a little while and thought I'd finally join. Just got my hands on 2005 BA MkII XR6T. Been itching to pounce on one for years now!! Only 17,000kms on it, looks immacculate, drives amazing and got it for $35,000. Heres a pic... Will be the first one to admit that I have not looked at all into modding yet, but where better to ask I guess!! Can anyone suggest some good places to read up? Want to get a good idea about everything before I even start thinking about doing anything to it (or posting questions with no knowledge). Cheers, Simmaz
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