Hi All, Been doing a little reading over the weekend and am looking at doing my own LCD gauge system for my T.... I have found a product at http://www.motorscan.com.au/ called the ElmScan PWM J1850 (Ford Corporation vehicles) that goes for AUD$155. It looks to basically handle everything from the Diagnostics Port to the RS232 connection on a PC/Laptop... It also has software which will make it easy for upper level verification... If anyone has a suggestion for a better interface product, let me know... From there, I am looking at my options and have come up with the following: 1 - iPAQ (Palm PC) Will allow me to develop a .NET application that could: - Show digital readouts/gauges of anything that is transmitted across that CAN bus - Log all sensor data transmitted over that CAN bus for analysis - Data could be transferred to a PC as well for analysis/storage 2 - Gameboy Advance Will allow me to develop a GBA application that could: - Show digital readouts/gauges of anything transmitted on the CAN Bus - Will be limited with its memory, screen size, and If anyone has any other options that they think will be more suitable, please let me know.... I am not planning on getting this done in a hurry, will probably take me around 6 months if it takes off as I have other commitments... that said, would appreciate input, cos if it works, I am keen to get it into as many T owners cars as possible...