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Everything posted by TRA1NR

  1. haha ben, I do catch myself just staring at my desktop not doing any work. I have the final pics, just haven't had a chance to upload them. He could just change the colour and the plates dillz
  2. I think it looks a little bit lower mate, hope it settles some more though! Are your wheels actually light blue now? I thought they were still white on friday...
  3. I installed my coolerworx pipes last night, very nice kit. Considering I have never had the front bumper off of an FG before (did take it off of my BA heaps of times) it was fairly straight forward and took around 4 hours all up. You do need to at least undo your head light so you can get at the screws holding the standard pipes in place where they go through the metal bumper. The picture showing the layout was helpful, although I had to refer to STAINLESS' pictures as one is shown around the wrong way. The joiners and clamps that come with it also seem high quality, and the ability to use the socket wrench to get them as tight as possible is great. Cheers, Daniel.
  4. after reading you sig I now realize why it sounded so good!
  5. Thanks mate, you car was looking and sounding did, I could here alot of induction and dose even when you were behind me. Will have to catch up for a chat next time
  6. Hey henz, I saw it parked at around 2am when I went for my last lap, wish we had of caught up with him
  7. just spotted TAP on the monash, great looking territory! White and coilovers...how can you go wrong!
  8. haha dillz, I'm still waiting for you to propose! and then I would have to get another car to put my plates on... Worm, I need the money to get it on gas at the moment, but I might revisit you in the new year
  9. Would be like a new car paulie, did you do it yourself?
  10. Sorry mate, will probably stick with my plates, let me know how much you want though
  11. Saw a few cops out, heaps of cars, didn't get too many runs in, just with snapper and dillz really. Had to bail early though coz I have to get up in the morning. Had a good night, good to see a few lads at the meet point, see you all next week!
  12. If you are gonna come up the hwy ben you may need to think about what tyres you have on the back!
  13. is there enough interest to look at a group buy again? (assuming we are talking about tb pipe replacement)
  14. I think for worm it might be 100 times harder than picking the right wheels!
  15. unfortunately they won't suit my car at all mate! Sucks about the house, but at least you will have mad dish again!
  16. Worm how long have these been on your car? only 11 days since you posted the pics...
  17. Meeting up on the hwy, no reason to not go for a cruise, nothing in concrete yet though
  18. I thought it might be you mate, saw you give it a little when you spotted me, coming out tonight?
  19. Just google ikea springvale, or amf springvale/mulgrave and you will be close enough
  20. They are distributors, will have to investigate further
  21. thanks mate, will have a crack on sunday I reckon
  22. Sorry mate, those prices were for Pedders not whiteline, I just realized that may have been confusing!
  23. I just got mine off of eBay, really good to deal with, takes a day or so to respond to msgs though
  24. ok cool, sounds good, what time you reckon?
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