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EL monster

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About EL monster

  • Birthday 18/04/1981

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  1. Happy Birthday EL monster!

  2. Happy Birthday EL monster!

  3. Happy Birthday EL monster!

  4. Happy Birthday EL monster!

  5. Ok, my BA mkII xr6 turbo manual is idling funny, it stays at 800 rpm when normal, lately it's been droping below to a near stalling point. When I push the clutch in this crap starts. Is a tuning problem.... could a flash tuner fix this? Help please I'm losing my mind
  6. well I'm starting off with just a 1000 bucks for now and see how far this will get me, if this is too little please tell me cause I'm still new to these flashers and custom tune boxes and stuff. Oh and I live in melbourne's south east and it's a ba mkII 05". And who would be a good tuner to check out and have a convo with? names and places would help me. :banghead:
  7. thanks guys will do...........the reading part might take a couple of years but I'll get there theres like over 5000 posts on the question I just asked. I should have known
  8. hello guys just bought a car about two weeks ago and already looking at moding the car where would I start?
  9. Hey guys just bought an xr6t a week ago and wondering what would be the first step to beefing up mycar, and price range im loooking at. For e.g. intercooler, exhaust, tune ..... cheers fellas
  10. Damn I have many questions on this topic and the only way they will get answered is if I buy the kit from some shop like TSA for 6g and try it out I guess. what you think?
  11. What about a turbo kit, I keep hearing about these kits but aren't they bad to put on. As in blow the motor reall quick or is that BS?
  12. What are the costs involved in turbocharging an EL falcon 4.0 litre and what can I expect to produce fromthe car?
  13. Off the shelf in melbourne which shop are reasonable on price that convert to turbo? I thought that there was a specific thread for this sort of thing
  14. Why is there no NA converted to turbo thread starter in the whole web site, and to find a topic on this title I have to use the internet through a link to find stuff on this topic?
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