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  1. Migz

    Losing Power ><

    The cat apparently has collapsed or something along that line. :( it was slightly damaged in an accident a I had a while ago looks like it come to bite me on bum
  2. I have actually had this problem since I bought the car brand new. But its never really bothered me. Might give it a try next week
  3. Atleast you didnt blow the clutch up like me And you think those brakes are bad from ford? $1700 for a new cat. I asked 3 times to make sure what he was saying aswell.
  4. Migz

    Losing Power ><

    Ahwell. Got car back from ford today. It took them 8 hours to figure out my turbo was in perfect condition and that my car was f*cked. :D so $374 later atleast I know whats wrong with the car. Also, aaron offered to sell me his old cat for $80 as opposed to ford who wanted $1700 for a new one. Into the mechanics on tuesday. gleeeee
  5. Migz

    Losing Power ><

    Nah mate :( took to the mechanic at lunch today. He checked the pipes and waste gate all working good. The turbo fins are still spinning when the car idles so he said its prob something inside the turbo. Just took car to ford. The service guy said it might be a boost sensor or something along them lines. Wont be done till next week and I didnt get a car from them T_T They had none left >< now have to beg and scrounge for a car to drive or a lift. gonna kill me
  6. Migz

    Losing Power ><

    Yeh, havnt done it in a while I just remembered it doing it from when I first got the car and thought it sounded cool until someone else told me it wasnt the best idea. and thanks all for the reply having a look right now
  7. Now I wasnt sure which forum to put this under cause im not really sure what is happening yet. Took car out today, first time since friday ive been for a drive. All was going fine and dandy till I pulled out in front of some traffic. 1st gear normally gets me racing against the traffic via me being pushed back into the seat. much to my amazement - No boost. It was like driving my mums car...needless to say. I was like ohh sh*t. SO it seems like the engine is running fine. Just.. with out the turbo. Now im not sure if that could be a computer issue or a turbo issue or some pipes are just loose. And just now ive let it idle in my drive way. I can hear a faint whistling noise coming from the engine bay. Also when I was driving to try and figure out whats wrong in 4 gear I went to about 4 k rpm and I started hearing this faint rattling noise. all thru this cant hear any of the usual sucking in noises the turbo makes when I really plant the foot. and another thing. If I stick in 6th gear and do about 60-70k's .. it still makes the whistling sound that it makes as its just spooling up. that's kinda just random facts I figured out on the way home. not really in order... so if anybody has any ideas. would help :|
  8. http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=39669 Just incase anybody did actually forget
  9. Well it wasnt in the sun directly. And yes I experience the exact same thing with the gear knob End up using my sleeves to protect my hand when im changing gears haha. But that isnt in the sun either. But that teaches me for not having a sun protector thingy eh
  10. Well I dunno. I never really had a look cause I ran inside to massage my feet. but I think it might have actually been where the pedals ..connect to the for lack of a better word.. rods behind the pedals. But then again I tried shifting my feet around and still didnt help. Maybe I just suck at life haha. anyway I didnt have a choice with the pedals
  11. Migz

    Im In

    great work mate. Shows ya how easy it is to get this power :( How much over all did it cost ya? Cause this is what ill be lookin at getting eventually or similar
  12. This sounds incredibly stupid I know. But today my dog went for a wander. So hopped in the car and went for a drive lookin for him. So anyway the cars been in the sun all bloody day.. you know heat and stuff. CAuse I was barefoot..didnt really notice for a little bit after drivin for a min or 2. both my left foot (on clutch) and right (on power) were both burning like crazy. I have to ask has anybody else experienced this on a relatively sunny/hot day or am I just an idiot who cant actually walk normally atm. :| *cry*
  13. Quite possibly being the most well known person on this forum .. I have a total of 15.
  14. And half-a bottle of KY which
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