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About Ernie

  • Birthday 13/08/1970

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  1. Happy Birthday Ernie!

  2. Happy Birthday Ernie!

  3. Happy Birthday Ernie!

  4. Happy Birthday Ernie!

  5. Ernie

    A Sad Goodbye

    thanks Pat......... your a legend ! Ernie
  6. Ernie

    A Sad Goodbye

    hey Pat..... yeah pretty much mate. I have driven it a coupe times but its just just sitting here looking lonely without a driver. I thought to sell it and give someone else the pleasure of a quick Ute. anyway im still here and the BBQ is still around lol........ that I will never get rid of Ernie
  7. Ernie

    A Sad Goodbye

    well it looks like ill be around for a little bit longer........... the deal has fallen thru so the ute is back up for sale again Buf as per the PM................. Thanks Ernie P.S if you want to delete this thread I wont stop you and ill make a new one when the time comes to leave cheers
  8. Ernie

    A Sad Goodbye

    thanks guys...... yeah had a bit of a tear in the eye when I sold it...... im just waiting for the transporter to pick it up now. I will miss it ! Ernie
  9. Ernie

    A Sad Goodbye

    Hi Everyone........... well the time has come to say my Goodbyes. I have sold my Ute to a great guy and his dad in Darwin Northern Territory and I thought id say my final goodbyes. to everyone that helped me out and all the great friends I have made here I will treasure that forever. I will still pop in from time to time but I will be concentrating on getting better health wise. once again thank you all......... you have been great friends ! cheers Ernie
  10. lol ive know Stuart for years and didnt even think about him....... gees thanks for the reminder mods can close this thread please Ernie
  11. where is sydney can I get a cage made for my ute............ pref chrome moly Ernie
  12. Happy Birthday Pat...... wish I could come out mate but ill see you guys again one day Ern
  13. hooters like the last outing we had.......... great food and great company ! Ernie p.s if you guys an girls want the BBQ out that's cool with me....... I have a new one that rips thru anything and quick. the Fire and Ice was unfortunately put out to pasture....... RIP can also supply this if we have a long enough power cord........ my party kegs aint ready yet
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