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  1. change of plans no longer need conversion thred can be deleted thanks
  2. ok cheers I had a scroll thru your topic it sounded like a bitch to put into another xr so I wont bother with it, still will be looking for a semi-auto to chuk in though, what are the B&M shifters like? im sure theres 1000 threds on them I'll have a look
  3. its not goin into another ford though, even just a number or webaddress I can get onto about the price of these boxes would be apriciated thanks
  4. hey mate yea I no that but the LS1 bois a f*&king D&kheads I was just after s name or place that do conversions and u guys are typicaly alot more helpfull when it cums to sh*t like that cheers
  5. hi after looking around a bit now for a xrt/typhoon I have fell in love with the zf boxes and now would love to put one in my other car aswell, just wondering how much these boxes cost and how much work am I in for putting one in?? cheers
  6. Mobbzy

    Track Time

    hahaha yea, when I lived up in bundaberg few weeks after they closed down the drag strip and skid pan street racing and drifting has gottin huge.. dumb asses lol all they have to do is let us do it in a safe organised event so all out 'urges' can be releasd
  7. how do the xr8's go with a big single turbo set up?? id much rather get one of them if I was to buy a new car anyway, I no the gen3's have pulled over 1200hp with tt set up,
  8. actually mate doin some reserch it is goin to be much easier to go out and buy a new v8 vt/vx, much less dicking around aswell, still would be after someone to get a win turbo set up on it.. and yea workshop dont want to I <3 Bananas it up by tryin myself lol
  9. well its a stock 6, I am thinking alone the lines of a 5.7l gen3 twin turbo.. but would be my no.1 choice atm, I would actually love to get an xrt engine in it but even I would hate myself for that, lol
  10. not sure what engine yet that what I want to talk to somone about my best options, and b4 I say this im a ford suporter all the way but this conversion is actually for a vt.. do u no of anyone I should be talking to?
  11. for a good set of front 6.5 componesnts it worth spending that little bit more money, iv had a few to date and can say alpine typeR arnt all crash hot, the X's alot better but not a fav, but I would highly recomend decent focal always does the trick and sounds great, but yea get onto a pro about what sort of sound your looking for.
  12. hey guys I am just after the right person to talk to about engine conversions, im really keen on getting one done but not sure who to talk to.. can someone point me in the right direction please.. cheers guys
  13. I dont mind that front bar actually, its diffrent and it would make me look twice at it, piss of those rims for one and it would look alot better.. just my 2cents
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