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About Meggs_83

  • Birthday 07/02/1983

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  1. Happy Birthday Meggs_83!

  2. Happy Birthday Meggs_83!

  3. Happy Birthday Meggs_83!

  4. Happy Birthday Meggs_83!

  5. Happy Birthday Meggs_83!

  6. I was always under the impression the tyres will turn at different speeds if rolling diameter is not the same and will destroy your diff
  7. did you report it, cops have a registry of "tags"
  8. Can I just ask why everyone suspects low oil when an oil pressure light comes on?? there have been so many posts about clogged lines, failing oil pumps and the such it would be the last thing on my mind.
  9. I thought it was just a ford thing??
  10. I got quoted touch under $180 just for guard so the rest must be labour and those bloody scrivets
  11. it's enough to give it a go cheers
  12. had a bloke come into work today with a light on the odo side, an S in a circle. Rang ford and they said it was the speed limiter had been exceeded. anyways can anyone shed some more light on the matter and can I turn it off?? there's a bit of rivalry between our workshops so I can never trust the B*&%#@#'s
  13. isn't there a mod to change the sump to a permenant one?
  14. pity it's not like the old style where you'd just drive back slowly and give the hand brake a few light jerks. instant handbrake adjustment
  15. don't forget the posers with the Lexus variant I live on the coast and there's still 4x4s that only see the dirt in thier own driveway
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