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Everything posted by AzMahoony

  1. In winter I guess you will REALLY notice it on the summer days
  2. Yeah I know I checked my sig and then edited the above post, Took you's a bloody while! I was getting comfy with that sig too :ifiusethisimafag:
  3. After 2 runs your car's pulling half the power, wooo
  4. OH. Still doesn't explain why mine was removed lol Edit: Nvm my sig was 260X160 OUTSTANDING.
  5. You wont be seeing me at a friday cruise much, It's pretty much my only night to go out and go wild I work Sunday ;\
  6. Dean 03XR6T has one on his car, not sure if its up and running yet though
  7. Keep it for msn boys. So who wants to meet up and go for a cruise? not me but I thought I'd just put it out there anyways
  8. Washing my car organizing a car cruise fitting stuff to the car and doing other car related things Offtopic: Steff how you can smell me with a blocked nose, am I THAT bad?? haha
  9. I was wondering where all my posts went, lol Luke not trying being smart or anything but Isnt there already a cruise/events thread? Maybe a change of the title of this topic should be made, Chit chat to me and many others just means to talk to W.A members about anything/everything. Having said this though, making rules on what we are limited to talk about here only kills WA activity, but each to there own, you're the boss
  10. So whens the group buy happening? I'm in for 1 lolllll
  11. then I did a backflip 360 flip christ-air zombie-spin nose bllunt grind to 1080
  12. Something has come off/loose out the back of your ICC, when I pulled mine I lost pretty much everything including my speedo/rpm, was quiet odd driving to the auto electrician with nothing working, quiet dangerous too edit: My ICC did work though, just nothing else.
  13. Your ICC has disconnected somehow, so yes that's the reason Basically the ICC controls everything electrical in the car, I'm not sure on how to get behind it to re-connect, I just took mine to an auto electrician. When I was fitting my gauges I moved the ICC forward and unplugged it by accident, same thing.
  14. I think it's directed more at dangerous driving with unexpected things happening, then speeding. Who would overtake on a road like that anyways. I guess its normal for them over there, our cars would probably take both lanes up. Im guessing the car that caused it was maxing at about 80 or so k's at 6000rpm
  15. Hate to change the mood in this post but see if Australia are trying to target speeding, they should make an advert more along the lines of this. BTW this is an IRISH advert.. hmu1R_Bb4NI
  16. *BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!* lmfao Old but still piss funny
  17. What kind of car is that?? :ifiusethisimafag: Must have taken ALOOOT of polishin!
  18. go to bed ya silly girl, dont make me come over there edit: yes im typing this in my sleep, THAT DAMN GOOD.
  19. lmfao she means you gotta be that old to see them
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